@Detroit Red Wings

Ian Mendes on Twitter

Ian Mendes on Twitter

by Ph1llyth3gr8


  1. Ph1llyth3gr8

    Pierre Dorion just spoke with us in Nashville.

    He says right now they are not close to a DeBrincat trade. They have not granted DeBrincat camp the chance to talk contract with another team yet.

    Once they get close to a deal, that will happen.

    But they’re not there yet.

  2. Scary-Extent5740

    Makes me so bad. With two first round picks, three second round picks, tons of prospects and forwards I just don’t understand why we’d even be hesitating right now. Especially after losing Bertuzzi

  3. Tatar-Tot

    Dorion is going to get ripped off solely because he wants to get equal or more value than what he traded to get Debrincat

  4. RedWingsFan1990

    Yzermans patience game is unmatched. Hell just get him next year for free.

  5. Denver_Law14

    Go after Nylander and then sign ADC as a free agent. F the sens and their annoying fan base

  6. thor128

    I read that as Eva Mendes and was soo disappointed.

  7. Comradekolsch

    Is Dorian an Idiot for not taking at least one of our 2nds this year (and a player) or is this just a lie? Yzerman isn’t gonna trade for AD without getting a contract nailed down and the 2nd round is tomorrow.

  8. FragmentEx

    ima go on a limb and say he’s lying, he’s trying to sweat Yzerman out

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