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BREAKING: Jon Gruden To Resign As Raiders Head Coach, Instant Reaction + Raiders Coaching Candidates

BREAKING: Raiders Head Coach Jon Gruden plans to resign from the Las Vegas Raiders head coach according to Tom Pelissero. Jon Gruden continues to remain the subject for MAJOR Las Vegas Raiders rumors and news, thanks to the reveal of more Jon Gruden emails. And the latest Gruden emails put more fire and pressure around the Raiders head coach after the revealed more than just racist comments. There were homophobic and mysoginistic comments and emails between Gruden and former Raiders execuctive Bruce Allen. Raiders Report host Mitchell Renz breaks down the latest Raiders news and rumors around Jon Gruden.

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  1. I don't want Jack Del Rio. He let go of his OC Bill Musgrave who led the Raiders to the playoffs in 2016. After that he let Todd Downey take over the OC position and it all went to hell. Hire Eric B from the Chiefs and Wade Phillips as the DC.

  2. Chucky heads gotta go for obvious reasons. Iceman maybe alot of young people here that cant connect . Raider shields makes the most sense. Raider Nation Baby.

  3. While I don't condone Gruden's emails but NYT started this. Let pull all emails from all players and personnel. The let's see who will be left

  4. People keep mentioning Del Rio. Do you forget the Washington game a few years ago? Pretty similar situation to what's going on with Gruden. We should keep Mayock for the time being, and try to get Bienemy/Dabold/Moore for next year. Let Mayock get some pieces for the O-Line before the trade deadline. Season is not lost!

  5. If the Raiders draft a QB I guarantee Carr outworks and outplays him anyways so we’d have to trade our record setting QB just to have something different. It’s dumb

  6. If Gruden is stepping down because of the racial comment I think that is not warranted. If he had a track record for this then yes he should step down and there should be accountability such as a reprimand for his statements that he already apologized for. Even Coach Tony Dungy (ex Colts coach) expressed his forgiveness and said Gruden is not a racist because of his relationships with other black friends. Everyone no matter who it is deserves a second chance. Everyone needs forgiveness in their heart. No one is above mistakes or lude comments pending remorse. People are so anal these days no matter on what issue because of the political correct syndrome of today. I remember back when a football commentator Jimmy the Greek was chastised and forced to step down for his comment on the physical make up, athleticism, and history of very built black men and how WHITES were INFERIOR to black athletes. Was this an actual racist remark? Be honest. It may have been an unwarranted comment but not racial in my opinion and I'm not a racist. THIS WAS NOT A RACIST IDEAL OR STATEMENT! But was forced to step down anyway. It was the truth and was not "dissing" black folks about their race. It"s just that head hunters were out there wanting blood. As Dungy said, Gruden was really attacking the character of the person and not actually attacking his race but the words came out wrong and was trying to add to the hurt of the individual by attacking his race because of Gruden's anger at the time. C'mon, this is a football coach. Back in the day, they had to be tough dealing with the old pro players. Look at John Madden's behavior on the field when he was coach. He was always up and down the sideline in a rage blowing off steam. Does Gruden have a history of racism or remarks? If so, yes, I get it. Then his resignation is warranted. But as I said, everyone deserves a second chance. EVEN YOU AND ME AS A HUMAN BEING REGARDLESS OF RACE! Now if there are any other issues about his performance in coaching, then this is of a Vegas Raiders issue and not of an NFL or any other parties concern. Gruden had proved that he is capable of winning a Superbowl as he did already and other than this mistake that he is a stand up guy . Though it is taking a little while for him to rebuild, Raiders fans should be patient. Look how long it took ex Raider coach Tom Flores to win. I think they have a good team so far and think they are respectable. I am a N.O. Saints fan since they started in 1967. It took 20 years for them even to make a playoff appearance and another 20 years to win a Superbowl in which some NFL teams have not even accomplished yet. I was just happy they did it while in my lifetime and I was here to see it as it may never happen again for the rest of my life. I am grateful for that much. Of coarse I would like to see it again and it almost happened. Close but no cigar. SO, lesson in life, don't always take people literally because the same may happen to you as it probably did already. You may have said something lude about them but it was not your real intention. As Jesus said, let he who is without sin cast the first stone…referring to Mary Magallon.

  7. I think gruden was going to lead Us to a superbowl here in the next couple years so its a big loss he was like the next madden before all this came out. It was Released by the NFL to sabatoge the raiders in my opinion. This sucks!

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