@Calgary Flames

[Ryan Dittrick] Flames second-round pick Etienne Morin: “It’s an electric city. I have a couple of people that I know there. Jakob Pelletier texted me … and Jeremie Poirier is from my city. I know it’s a great city, great rink. I’ve already visited Calgary, so I can’t wait to start.”

[Ryan Dittrick] Flames second-round pick Etienne Morin: “It’s an electric city. I have a couple of people that I know there. Jakob Pelletier texted me … and Jeremie Poirier is from my city. I know it’s a great city, great rink. I’ve already visited Calgary, so I can’t wait to start.”

by backchecklund


  1. Ziltoid5555

    Great rink? The kid is already BSing us and he hasn’t played a game. Trade him.

    Jokes aside, always good to see personal connections on the team.

  2. vito_corleone01

    Sounds like an offensive dman, i like it.

  3. brokensword15

    It finally feels like a new era. I loved johnny, chucky, monahan, rittich, gio and the rest of the gang but this team is finally moving on

    Haven’t been this excited as a flames fan in a while (besides the boa)

  4. weschester

    The Flames are going to be more French than the Canadiens lol

  5. BigDickHobbit

    What this organization needs right now, even more than talent I would argue. Is players that want to be here! I would rather finish 20th with a group of guys that are passionate about the city, and want to build something here for years to come, than to have another first round exit with a bunch of aging talent that has made their desire to leave Canada obvious.

    Pelletier for captain. I don’t care if he’s young, we went with an old coach last year and LOOK HOW THAT TURNED OUT. Change the entire system I don’t care. Just give me players that love Calgary.

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