@Vancouver Canucks

Vladimir Sobotka drops Tyler Myers HD 3/29/10

5’10” Vladimir Sobotka knocks down 6’8″ Tyler Myers with a good open ice hit, on March 29, 2010.


  1. vladdy!

    i wish guys like ryder, sturm and wideman played with half as much heart this kid does night after night

  2. @CamAmcintyre08 the only people comparing Myers to Chara anymore are the ones who don't watch him play. Chara is mean and physical but Myers is more finesse. They play totally different ways and Myers will end up putting up higher numbers offensively than Chara when all is said and done. He's miles ahead of Chara in the skating department. Just compare their rookie seasons. Easily rookie of the year.

  3. @mawkus1 Its not a big hit but its a guy a foot smaller taking down Myers with a good solid check.

    But I'm sure it was strange to see a Sabre get hit and not dive or pretend to be hurt.

  4. Buffalo is too close to canada. They're starting to flop all over the place just like habs. Pussies don't belong in hockey. Go play basketball if you want to be actresses.

  5. @buttkick22

    prbly never happened with Kaleta so busy diving and cheapshotting everywhere

  6. @buttkick22

    not really "easily" unless youre a bandwagoner sabres "fan". Just as easily Rask or someone else couldve won it.

    And the biggest difference right now between chara and myers is that refs arent watching out for Myers' constant cheapshots and dirty plays; Chara on the other hand has been aorund a lot longer so refs watch him and call him out for a lot of stuff. like kaleta diving into the boards to instigate a brawl and draw a penalty…

  7. @amn22492 actually the hit did happen since dafoomie already told me "i couldn't fit it in with all the other highlights" on another playoff game vid lol. Clearly u didn't see the "kostitsyn hits chara" vid where chara embellishes a hit in the playoffs to try and draw a penalty…constant cheap shots? Myers only had 29 penalty minutes. The biggest flaw about his is that he was so soft and barely threw a hit all season. He just tried to get rougher in the playoffs like every other hockey player

  8. @amn22492 why are people whining about the hit on boychuk still? He was fine, unlike Vanek… the way, Rask wasn't even up for rookie of the year so he couldn't win it. And when i said Myers was "easily" the rookie of the year, it's because it was true. I said that waaaay before the results came out. I think it was even before the candidates were revealed lol. I didn't see anyone who knows anything about hockey not pick myers to win it. Happy to educate you…

  9. He knocked him down size doesnt matter plus he is just small enough to get him where he will fall down its a good hit but not a wreck …

  10. speaking of diving, how bout the bruins this postseason? Brad marchand single handedly got more diving penalties in this playoffs than whole NHL teams. And chara threw a huge dive in the lightning series. Everyone elmbellishes. It's been going on for years. Obviously, some teams dive more obviously than others and get caught for it. Like Boston.

  11. Gonna miss this guy this year in STL. He is one of the few players on our team who is actually worth a pay increase…

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