@Dallas Stars

Dallas fans are embarrassing themselves…

Towards the end of the 2nd period, Dallas Stars fans started throwing food, drink and other objects onto the ice. This video talks more about this outrage and why I think it is disgraceful for hockey fans to be doing this.

#nhl #hockey #stanleycup


  1. Texas spends much of it's time embarrassing the country so there's nothing new to see here.

  2. Still trying to figure out what Hague did to warrant a penalty? Also what's worse, Benn's crosscheck or Domi's?

  3. As a Stars fan… that was ratchet AF. Glad I didn't pay to witness that shit.

  4. Yep, you are correct. The problem is people are getting more extreme ideologies – maybe it is the internet and iPhones, but we have a tough time accepting boredom and different opinions, we pay ever higher prices for tickets to see our favorite team – and then, though players keep getting better, our team crumbles up and loses to the opposing team… after two winning series and then a couple of tight games a complete meltdown. People can’t handle that. They get frustrated. We don’t see the honor in losing gracefully, everyone has to be a winner all the time. We should learn to embrace defeat, but it’s tough.

  5. The players are embarring themselves and the fans are showing the team their frustration. This is a hockey tradition that has been going on for decades. The fans pay a lot of money for playoff seats, gear, and at the concession stands. Stop trying to change the game.

  6. Following the lead from their captain. Not exactly setting an example was he. Shame the fans reacted the way they did,really soiled the Dallas organisation name.

  7. at the 1:10 mark, you should have said "truly unnecessary" instead of "so unnecessary", given what was being shown on the video at the time.

  8. There was like 10 drinks on the ice. Stadium seats 19000. Let's not over-react and blame the whole fan base for a couple hand full of knuckle heads pissed at their team for throwing away the season in 1 game.

  9. They did the same thing when the Cowboys lost to the 49ers in the wild card game a couple years ago.

  10. 4 years ago i was livin in texas, had the chance to go to a stars game. Im a diehard bruins fan, went wearing my spoked B. Was very surprised to see like 70% of the crowd also wearing Bruin's Jerseys. At no point in the game was there a single chant for the stars, crowd was overall clearly rooting for boston. Was such an amazing thing seeing the away team have a home game. I am not at all surprised when this kinda stuff happens, like it does in florida/tampa as well. Great hockey teams with amazing players, forced to play for crowds that don't know the sport even a little.

  11. I think it should also be said that throwing objects, especially small ones which are hard to see, onto the ice can make things very dangerous for anyone – your team's players, opposing players, officials – skating on that ice. One wrong stride over debris on the ice, and someone could wind up busting a knee or falling out of control into ice or boards. Also, I'm a bit surprised that they didn't give Dallas a bench minor for delay of game.

  12. Bro you staring the obvious…really cringey…thumbs down

  13. i hope they get blowout i hate dallas fanbase throughout all sports especially hockey sitting there last night watching the game and the national anthem and it's beautiful song we dont need fans screaming stars ruining our nations song like take the crap elsewhere or just dont do it

  14. Think about it from a Dallas fans standpoint , they are most likely infuriated with how childish and shit of a captain Jamie benn is and that’s why they were throwing things on the ice

  15. Big deal. They paid through the nose for those tickets and that booze and food and shit, let them raise hell. They do it at Cowboys games too.

  16. As a season ticket holder to the stars this was disgusting I turned the game off and hoped the ppl I sold my tickets to where not acting up like the rest

  17. classless POS benn gets suspended for 2 games..too bad the classless fans can't get the same…😡😡😡

  18. Should remove all the fans when that happens and play the rest of the game without an audience. Trash in the stands and trash on the ice. Fitting.

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