@Vancouver Canucks

Advisor Todd Diamond on Tom Willander being selected by the Canucks

Todd Diamond, Advisor for Tom Willander, joined the guys to talk about the Canucks selecting Tom 11th overall.


  1. If education is his priority 4 years he should arrive in time to replace Hughes cause he will be gone for sure cant blame him being from US

  2. Is it just me, but the title of "Advisor" seems a little strange… is Diamond a family friend of Willander? Is he an agent? From the way he speaks he sounds like an agent representing a client…

    I like this Willander pick – a solid kid who can play in all situations. If he turns out to be like a Hamhius I am happy. The only thing that I can't stop thinking is that, had the team not made the trade with Detroit, it could have drafted both Willander and Axel Sandin-Pellikka both. A team with two RHD with top four potentials being groomed in the pipelines sound so much more promising…

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