@Ottawa Senators

Carter Hart Pulled After Brutal Misplay Leads To Mathieu Joseph Shorthanded Goal

Carter Hart accidentally played the puck right to Mathieu Joseph, who buried it into the empty net.


  1. Which is why the league has to remove those stupid corner lines where the goalie can't play the puck in. Let goalies go in corners and make mistakes.

  2. I'm pretty sure he got pulled for the 4 previous goals. That extra one was assurance.

  3. Lol my Bolts out here getting coaches fired left and right.
    Wanna know what your team is capable of?
    Want to have a reliable baseline to determine how good your team is?
    Play 3 games vs Tampa.
    At the end of the 3 games, you'll know exactly where you stand and how good your team is.
    The lightning are one of the best hockey teams of the past 30-40 years and if they can win the Cup again for the 3rd time in a row, then there's a very valid argument and ample proof to say that this Tampa team under Jon Cooper is one of the top 10 best hockey teams EVER.
    Jon Cooper, Andrei Vasilevsky, Victor Hedman, Nikita Kucherov (when he's healthy) and Braydon Point are all either guaranteed Hall of Fame guys, or have the potential to be in the HOF when they hang up their skates.
    Steve Yzerman is one of the best GM's I've ever seen – and Brisebois is proving himself to be just as good as Yzerman.
    Detroit ABSOLUTELY WILL BE A CONTENDER if they keep Yzerman as gm and don't interfere with him. We are eternally grateful for Steve and we are uncred grateful for having Julian Brisebois now.
    But it all starts at the top – and the lightning have the best owner in all professional American sports.
    Jeff Vinik doesn't interfere with his employees – he allows them to do thier jobs and he isn't afraid to open his checkbook and pay tens or hundreds of millions of dollars to ensure his team remain as one of the elite franchises in all of sports.
    When he bought the team, he paid something like 100 million dollars to upgrade the arena – which is a taxpayer funded arena – meaning that he basically rents it from the fans – and he said y'all can pay me back later if you want to – but I'm gonna spend over 100 million dollars of my own money and make this arena even better.
    That's what you call a great owner – willing to put his money where his mouth is and make the fan experience better, even if it costs him a hundred million dollars.
    He's also given away $50,000 to a charity or worthy family at EVERY SINGLE HOME GAME, including the playoffs, and he's given away $50k per home game at every home game since his first game as the owner.
    He gives away millions of dollars every year, in $50k intervals, and has stated that will never, ever change expect to possibly go UP. So in 20 years, and I pray that he or his family still own the lightning in 20 years – he might give away $75k per game instead of $50k.
    The man is not just some morally inept /corrupt "profit over everything" type of man – his core values are to recognize that he's incredibly fortunate and he sincerely wants to help people… The man spends damn near as much in charitable donations as he does on his superstars of the team.
    I don't remember which year it was that the local newspaper did this "investigation"… I wanna say it was around 5 yrs ago…. But they traced all his charitable donations over the calendar year and found that he'd paid over double the amount of money he was paying his highest paid superstar (Stamkos) to charities and non profit organizations that year.
    He is a good human being to start – and it shows. I truly believe that karma and the gods of hockey are rewarding Tampa for not being your typical "corporate" franchise – the lightning and the owner are the best example to follow if your team needs a rebuild – bc the lightning ownership is super dedicated to making the Tampa Bay area a better place for everyone.
    The lightning are the best run team in the NHL and that's why they've won 2 Cups in a row
    The lightning take care of the people who depend on the team and the owners go above and beyond what's expected of them in terms of charities and just being good human beings.
    Even our national anthem singer hasn't changed in almost a decade – and we LOVE her – Mrs. Sonya Bryson – a black military veteran who has beat cancer and is super active in the community – she's our anthem singer, and when she was sick and unable to sing for us – we sang for her.
    When she came back, she got the same type of reception from the fans that's normally reserved for players who experience a career ending injury or illness, or a player who gave so much to the team and won a championship etc and make their first appearance back in the arena.
    It was awesome to see that the anthem singer was treated as if she was our #1 scorer for a decade and helped us win 2 Stanley Cups.
    She was and still is considered an integral part of the Tampa Bay lightning and as long as she's able to sing and doesn't move away for some reason – she's gonna be treated damn near the same way we treat Stamkos, or Marty st Louis, or Vinny Lecavalier, or any other lightning superstar or the past or current team.
    You know you can be proud of your team when the anthem singer is asked for damn near as many autographs while grocery shopping as our players.
    You know you can be proud of your team when they are not a bunch of whiny brats who think hockey is their only responsibility – they are actively trying and succeeding in making the Tampa Bay area a better place for everyone.
    Even before we started on this run of incredible success, before we won the 1st of the 2 successive Cups, I was just as proud to say I'm a diehard bolts fan as I am now that we have won 2 in a row.
    If God ran a hockey team – it would very closely resemble the lightning – and that has almost NOTHING to do with what happens on the ice.
    Go Bolts!

  4. I'm sorry I never saw anything in this kid when they gave him that large contract I knew he was done for

  5. The questions remain:

    A. Is Carter Hart the long term solution for the flyers?
    B. Are the flyers the long term solutions for Carter Hart?
    C. Are the flyers a long term solution for the flyers?

  6. The Dangle Navy in this comment section as if Steve isn't gonna mention this next Thursday.

  7. Carter Hart is a hot mess, needs to be sent down or something to get his head screwed on straight.

  8. I am sad for Carter Hart. He had a bright future. Then he was selected by Philadelphia, where goalies go to be destroyed. MAYBE, if he were to get out of Philadelphia, he MIGHT be able to salvage a career, but a couple of years of shell shock is tough to overcome.

  9. funniest part is that Joseph may have just concocted the worst backhand shot any of us have ever seen… and it still went in! if you're a goaltender, TEND THE GOAL!!!!!

  10. Hockey teams win from the goal to the blue line. 1st priority, NHL caliber goalie. 2nd, quality defensemen. Here is a combination of talent. Teams need a couple offensive blue liners, puck carrying, crisp passing, slap shooting, put the puck on net players. Also, a couple stay-at-homes, skilled at defending outnumbered rushes, cleaning out guys parked around the net, good at puck scrums along the boards and clearing loose pucks. Helps to have a combination of right shot and left shot men and a combination of speed and size. The Flyers have failed badly in the defensemen quality. Ain't that hard to figure out.

  11. Get rid of the trapezoid, let the goalie back that into the corner and move it the opposite direction. Goalies playing the puck is more exciting than watching someone collect the puck in the corner and setup the offense.

  12. In my opinion there is only 2 reasons why a goalie should shoot the puck forward. 1) directly to your a player on your team 2) there are no opposing players nearby. If those 2 situations aren’t there and you have to play the puck, you dump it behind along the boards for your D man do get it

  13. Imagine if their was no more trapezoid rules their would be more of these kind of goals

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