@Detroit Red Wings

Daily General Discussion Thread (06-30-2023)

Talk about anything your heart desires. Be polite and upvote everything!

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by OctoMod


  1. johnnysappleseed11

    Let’s have a nice calm, optimistic day everyone.

  2. KilledByDeath

    Looks like FA will be a bit more exciting than originally expected. Still hoping we can make a play for debrincat, this team needs so bonafide offense.

  3. BlakeDatAzzUp

    “He understands that a lot of nights, if you play 19 or 20 minutes, nothing is going on for 19 minutes, 59 seconds, and it’s that one second where he makes it count,” Larkin said on Zetterberg

    I believe that’s just a team philosophy, to do the right thing and play the right way 100% of the time knowing that it’ll pay dividends in the end. No short cuts type shit.

    Hence why we landed on Danielson.

    I’m a lot shocked by how deep we drafted on D. But I’m so pumped for that Cleveland kid!

  4. Wakattack00

    Yesterday was one of the least unified days this sub has had in the Yzerman era. I get it everyone has their own vision and expectations. I hope free agency can bring us back together because at the end of the day we all want the same thing. Stevie, front office, scouts, players, coaches, fans. We all want that Cup. So let’s see what Stevie is cooking to keep getting us closer to that.

  5. Ph1llyth3gr8

    Today and tomorrow should be fun. There’s usually some leaks of who is interested in what free agent, and I expect a couple deals today by teams looking to free cap space.

    Despite our desperation to start winning, there’s nothing wrong with leveraging cap and getting picks/future assets. Unlike the nfl, we don’t get rewarded for unused cap space. Might as well turn it into something.

  6. needuhlife19

    Wow that Reinbacher stuff is just sad. The kid has worked his ass off to be where he is and people are attacking him because of where he was picked. That org doesn’t deserve him.

  7. Michigent420

    I’m feeling great about our first two picks something about Axel Sandin Pellikka screams superstar to me.

  8. teldar24

    I feel like there is large contingent of the fan base that would like to sell the future for this year similar to what we’re digging out of. I think it sounds like Dorian wanted a first and second for DeBrincat so he could salvage his purchase of him. The kid is from Detroit and wants to play in Detroit. Let him sign here as a free agent next year if he wants to come home and take the better pic and the player. This team is nowhere near competing for a cup. If they were to sell enough assets to compete for a cup, it’d be a couple year deal and right back to mediocrity for the long term because there would be no higher round picks coming up through the system. I am absolutely fine with not trading high round draft picks at this point for anybody.

    As far as picking Danielson at 9, people thought Larkin at 15 was a reach. People were furious about Mo. I know I was. There was a lot of angst about Ras. I was also furious about Zadina. The moral of drafting and waiting is that some kids turn into what you hope they’ll be. Some kids turn into what you fear they’ll become. I think we need to take a step back from the ledge and give him a couple years. The likelihood of the wings getting a guy who was going to be in impact player next year at 9th was not good. Danielson sounds like he may be a fantastic pick in the long run.

  9. canbehazardous

    Dear Steve,

    Cat please.

    Yours Truly.

  10. Isphet71

    Oh man, Yzerman drafted differently than the media and “mY oWn ReSeArCh” told us he should draft. Let’s all start to panic. 😂🤣

  11. probablyindecisive

    I am trying to remain positive, but damn… it feels like we haven’t competed in eons.

  12. probablyindecisive

    Also, does anyone else feel like Bert will land in Pittsburgh? Do they have the cap to accommodate him? Or maybe he’ll settle for less to play with Crosby.

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