@Arizona Coyotes

NHL Draft loser: Arizona Coyotes slammed for ‘inexplicable’ first-round picks

by palesnowrider1


  1. diabolical3b

    Nothing to see here. Super-uninformed take fueled by misinformation. I’ll trust the draft specialist GM and his team over someone that said we should have taken Michkov when he didn’t want to play for Arizona. It’s the media being the media. Maybe these guys aren’t impact players in the long run, but none of us can sit here and say we know better.

  2. ThatSpecialAgent

    What an absolute shit take of an article. Funny how azCentral only exists in the hockey world when it’s time to talk shit.

  3. bschmidt25

    Well, that’s just like his opinion, man.

    Michkov might be great or might be a bust – just like almost everyone else. Either way he didn’t want to play for the Yotes, and reportedly a bunch of other teams ahead of them, so it’s dumb to blame them for not taking him.

  4. Very_Opinionated_One

    Good luck with that post on this sub. The coyotes could assault these guys mothers and they’d defend them.

  5. palesnowrider1

    All this in GMBA we trust… why? Has he demonstrated success with anything so far? He came from the Blues that got a Cup but he was the asst GM there so how much is his credit? Best thing he has done is cleared up all the crap contracts, like that was hard. Jury is still out on that guy so enough with this in Bill we trust. He ain’t Belichick

    And faith in any Coyotes ownership group is not deserved especially with all the history with this team. Did Gutierrez buy a team or a Sports book? Let’s not pretend they didn’t fuck that Tempe vote up royally. It wasn’t even close. No boots on the ground and barely any campaign for the best arena deal the NHL has ever seen

  6. StonedStatue

    Reading this was like watching a dog take a slow shit.

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