@Pittsburgh Penguins

Jason Stevens Stamp on Terry O’Connor

“On Report” only. Do Australia ever get anyone sent off?


  1. Stevens is now a born again christian. He was a dirty player and a dirty man but thats fine now cos of the rebirth.

  2. Descended from criminals, what do you expect? Only matched by the one eyed "fans" and spineless referees. 

  3. Stevens is a grub. He is only doing what Jesus would do. I saw Les Davidson flatten him at Shark Park, Karma.

  4. Everyone complaining, have a teaspoon of concrete and harden up. Football is a rough game, if you don't want to get boot stamped, get out of the ruck.

  5. Still makes me angry watching some of these games back. No matter who was refereeing. A gb player would have been red carded for that. Luckily it doesn't seem to be as bad now

  6. I'm a Australian NRL fan, and even I think he should have been sent off for that dangerous stomping, could of ripped out eye.

  7. The Aussies in RL are like the All Blacks in Union. They NEVER get sent off! In fact when the All Blacks got a red card against the Lions in 2017 it was the first red card they'd had since like 1970. lol

  8. Fool is supposed to get out of the play the ball, his own damn fault. Should have been a penalty for interference in the play the ball.

  9. From what I hear about Stevens he's such a good bloke. But that was so not on, should have been binned.

  10. British stiff upper lip, Fucking idiots, If that has been an Aussie ref there wouldn't have been a conversation just a straight red!!…..

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