@St. Louis Blues

[MOD] The results are in…

Introducing the third generation (plus /u/iPBJ) of /r/stlouisblues mods … u/minorthreat21, u/PossessionRoyal4981, and u/18RomTom18

You can view voting round results here: [Round 1]( , [Round 2]( , [Round 3]( , [Round 4](

Good luck to the new group!

*stlbooze3 declined the invite so the third spot went to 18RobTom18 who made it to the final round.*

by stlouisbluesmods


  1. minorthreat21

    Already removing spam! Ready to usher us through a new era of memes and hockey talk. Love y’all.

  2. 18RobTom18

    I’m grateful for this opportunity, and I’ll do my very best to moderate this sub efficiently and fairly. I see all of us as a family and I hope we can keep the good times going with great memes and even greater hockey and Blues discussions. I want to thank the previous mod team for making this a fun place to hang out and boo the Hawks, so it seems we have some big shoes to fill, but I know we’ll try our best.

    With much love from the sub, LET’S GO BLUES!

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