@Vegas Golden Knights

I wonder if this is why his name popped up in trade rumors and that he wanted to go to a contender by some insiders

I wonder if this is why his name popped up in trade rumors and that he wanted to go to a contender by some insiders

by icemandabs710


  1. Hmm. Well Cassidy isn’t going to tolerate lockeroom cancer so if he is a cancer I’m sure he’ll be traded out eventually.

  2. Bigdoga1000

    I don’t doubt that there are teams asking for him, but the other stuff sounds exaggerated (or made up)

  3. Wafflemonster2

    I like Thompson’s play, but having followed his insta for a while, the man likes to spend, and even if this specific report isn’t true, he will definitely not be taking a team friendly discount come contract time. The fact that we let Brossoit go makes me think this report isn’t true, since Brossoit was both a great player, and seemed like a great guy lockerroom-wise, but this is now the second rumour related to Thompson being shopped, so I mean…

  4. SomethingOriginal_01

    This would be a major bummer if true. Seems like LT is a big supporter of his teammates (at least on social media) but I could see the All-Star thing going to his head. However, with much of his rookie season being shot to hell by his injury, I just can’t see him thinking he’s king shit in a room full of veterans and skilled players. Who knows, though, because fame/notoriety can go to your head real fast.

  5. fellowENT18

    I dunno man, I don’t think we let LB walk if this is the case

  6. joey_1324

    These rumors don’t really seem that outlandish considering the other rumors about him wanting to go to a contender to be a number 1 goaltender. We know he’s clearly the number 2 in the lineup here as long as Hill is healthy after he just got nearly 5 mil per for the next 2 years. You’re not paying anyone that money to be the backup or evena 1b.

  7. Maleficientviolet

    The man shaved his play off beard before game 5 – can’t imagine what would spur him to do that?

    And it’s been widely reported he’s arrogant and not the locker room’s fave.

  8. Kawthorisbest

    Who is the guy tweeting? Is he reliable?

  9. Patches was a locker room cancer?

    I don’t follow off ice drama/issues

  10. bringbacksherman

    I think there are trade rumors because Thompson is a young All-Star game goalie who makes less than $1 million a year f the next two years. There’s going to be trade rumors, as any number of teams need exactly that. VGK would b crazy not to pick up the phone and listen to them. Doesn’t man there is a problem though.

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