@Tampa Bay Lightning

[LeBrun]: Tampa’s last offer to Killorn was eight years at a $2.5 million AAV

full quote:

> By the way, I hear that Tampa’s last offer to Killorn was eight years at a $2.5 million AAV, which is $20 million total regardless of whether he actually would have played the entirety of the contract. I love that Tampa tried that. But in the end, you also get why Killorn took the $25 million, four-year deal in Anaheim.

by veshpesh


  1. veshpesh

    i’ve got no questions for Mr. BriseBois.

  2. Emergency_Fuel8674

    Honestly that’s probably the most I’d pay killorn at this stage for a deal longer then 3 years. Even at that case by the end of the contract it would be rough. He is going to decline soon pretty sharply

  3. toolschism

    Honestly, that’s pretty damn close to what the ducks offered him, but this way he can cash in, and come home in 4 years on a sweetheart deal…

    …Just in time to win a 3rd cup with this core.

    Any questions? No. Okay cool it’s decided.

    Edit: I love y’all’s optimism. I wish I shared it but I love it none the less.


    How much taxes is he paying in CA though

  5. CruelRuin

    lol. well, easy to see why he didn’t take that deal. more pay for half the years. no brainer

    wonder what their final offer to palat was. probably 8 x 3.5 or something

  6. codemanrobinson

    With cost of living and income taxes in California $2.5million AAV in Tampa is equivalent to about $3.5million there. He signed for $6.25million aav so overall a better deal for him even though it’s a shorter term deal

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