@Detroit Red Wings

Are the Detroit Red Wings Making the CORRECT Moves?

Neal Ruhl, Lindsey Hunter and Mike Gentry discuss what Steve Yzerman is doing for the Detroit Red Wings. After the NHL Draft Yzerman came out and said that the team is still rebuilding. Since then the Wings have signed 10 players from free agency. The only issue is that some of the contracts are questionable and the talent is unproven to average. Neal is here to calm the nerves of fans, but is it enough? Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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  1. The only people not happy are the casuals. Took close to 10 years for Yzerman to build Tampa the way they are. Love when people get mad at him every time he drafts. Remember when red wings twitter was in shambles over the seider pick? Look at him now. Unless someone actually studies these prospects, I donā€™t take the negative comments seriously

  2. And the answer is…? Wait and see. We've been through the draft part of the off season. Then, the free agent part of the off season. Now we get trades part of the off season. They've improved the team without giving up very much. (If you don't consider the money being much!) It is a team. Not just individual transactions.

  3. OK there are 2 more trades to be made before playoffs. Do I like the move on cap do the math.

  4. I think something we forget about is, if we were to go off and sign a superstar like Debrincat, how much would he really impact the team? My guess is he helps but he doesn't make this team a contender. People look at Florida and think Tkachuk took them over the edge, which is true. However, they had a President's trophy caliber team already. Superstars throughout the history of sports make a contending team a championship team, they usually do not make a 7 or 8-seed champions. And with how physical playoff hockey is, Vegas proved this year that having 4 quality lines is more impactful during a 7 game series than having two top lines like the Leafs have. The point is, Yzerman wants his core right now. He has a lot of proven guys that play hard on and off the puck. And he has some quality guys in the farm system that can be potential impact players if not superstars if given the time. So while I personally want him to get a top scorer, it really would not impact the team as much as we think. Rather, build a solid core of guys where you have 5-6 20 goal scorers and then get a top scorer to make a deep playoff push. If even just a couple guys like Edvinsson, Cossa, and Kasper pan out, you literally have a solid core then with Raymond, Seider, Larkin, Compher, and whoever else steps up. The team is on the up and up. Yzerman will make that blockbuster deal when he knows this team is ready to make a deep playoff push. Right now it would honestly be a waste of assets just to lose in the 1st round.

  5. I think the negativity has been over exaggerated. Realistically, weā€™ll be making the playoffs in 25ā€™-26ā€™ and have a legit chance of winning the cup starting in 27ā€™-29ā€™. Our top core of guys will be in their mid 20ā€™s to early 30ā€™sā€¦ with a couple guys maybe in their early 20ā€™s. Remember, Stevie was 32 when he won his first cup. Larkin will be ironically in a very similar position to Stevie. Lindstrom was 27ā€¦ will be at a very similar age to Edvinsson/Seider in that time frame. Federov was 27, maybe similar to Raymond (for comparisonā€™s sake). If you look at the 97ā€™ roster, there was only 1 guy that played on the playoff roster below the age of 24. All the guys below the age of 26 were grind line/depth guys.

    Look at Vegas, top 10 point getters in the playoffs were between the ages of 27-33. So more than likely Chariot, Holl, and Copp will not even be a part of a contending Detroit team. Compher will be right on the edge. These stats should put into perspective for everyone what Stevie is doing. These signings build the culture of strong two way play as our prospects incubate and give us a true chance to compete and stretch for the playoffs.

    Also, the fact we have Jake Walman for 3 years at $3.4 million AAV gives us some room to overpay for Holl and Chariot. I donā€™t like those signings, but we got a steal for Walman at that AAV even if he just plateaus at where heā€™s at. $11.75 AAV over the next 3 years for those 3 players is a lot more bearable when looked at through that lens. According to many stat cards, Walman could easily have an AAV in the $5-$7 million range.

    Also, letā€™s not forget about Kubalik performing well above his cap hit for his point production and Perron as well.

    Now, we also traded Hronek for a 1st and second round pick, and replaced (maybe even upgraded) him with Ghost for the same AAV. These are solid moves. The more Iā€™ve slept on this the more I appreciate and like where the team is. We have plenty of reasons to be excited in Hockeytown.

    And when the time is right, we will go out and get our Shanahan and Larry Murphy. Right now we do not need to rush.

  6. I mostly agree. But I still donā€™t like Holl. Maybe heā€™ll turn into the next Larry Murphy. But I doubt it.

  7. Easy answer to this – there are 31 other teams in the league now – If Yzerman was to have his walking papers – @ least 25 other teams would fire their GM to be able to hire him – if that means anything to you

  8. Truth bombs. I think you boys need to talk Raymond. He needs a year in the AHLā€¦ should have started there to begin with.

  9. It is all about building a team that can be competitive on a consistent basis and sometimes that takes time to do. I have already watched the Wings do it once long ago when they drafted Steve Yzerman and brought in Jacque Demers to coach them. They started building right there and look at how long it took for us to reach the Stanley Cup finals after that. It can be a lengthy process so we must be patient here and just watch how it all plays out. I trust in Yzerman to make it happen again and so should everyone else who is a "Wingnut" like me.

  10. Yzermsn is still looking for his core players. Seider and Raymond. We need more core and good projects in the AHL.

  11. Wings Fans: "We need to be more competitive next year!"
    Yzerman: Adds forward, defense, and goaltending depth.
    Wings Fans: "NO NOT LIKE THAT!"

  12. At first I was super bummed. Now I see the big picture: depth is what killed us last year. All it took was a couple injuries and our team imploded. We kept playing "musical chairs" with our lineup for the whole season as a result. We all saw how ridiculously streaky we were because of it. This year we may not have as much high-end talent, but we're a MUCH deeper team and everyone is on short-term deals that will both pave way for big trades and make the salary cap increase work in our favor. We may not make the playoffs this year, but we'll be sitting very pretty the following year when we can shed the experiments that don't work to buy some superstars so we have both depth and high-end talent.

  13. Iā€™ve said this a lot over the past few days. Yzerman has raised the floor of this team which raises the bar for those wanting a roster spot on this team. Heā€™s said it before that he will not just hand out a roster spot to the prospects and that they are going to have to take the roster spots. Two years ago Raymond did that. Last year it was Johnny Burgers who took a spot. I donā€™t expect Edvinsson or Kasper to make this team out of camp, but they can sure as hell make a case in GR that they deserve a chance at a spot when someone needs to be called up.

    People are screaming and upset that he didnā€™t get Debincat but I wouldnā€™t have given up either pick this year for Debrincat. Sure Debrincat could help the team get to the playoffs next season but they are still years away from being championship contenders and I donā€™t think that that one player accelerates that process more than a year.

  14. Not only are the Wings better today, so is Ottawa, Buffalo, Florida, and possibly Boston. Washington and Pittsburgh also seemed to improve. The East is nasty. Two teams are going to have to stumble bad for the Wings to get into the playoffs next year and everybody on Detroit is going to have to play their best night in and night out.

  15. When Holland was still with the Wings, someone asked him why they didnā€™t rebuild. His answer was something along the lines ofā€¦because rebuilds are a ten year process. These things take time, but the Wings get better every year.

  16. The biggest problem is that just about every ā€œrebuildingā€ team have outclassed Yzerman. New Jersey, Buffalo, Ottawa have run circles around him. Maybe in year 10 we will start to make a little progress.

    Meanwhile, what you apparently ā€œmissedā€ was giving away your best offensive player for nothing, drafting some boring guy with a Draper like ceiling two years in a row, when much better offensive players were still available, signing Chiarot, signing Holl, signing Compher for about two times anyone else would even dream of, drafting Brady Cleveland etc etc etc etc

  17. My Captain Stevie Y is on my Mt. Rushmore of human beings but I cant hold my tongue anymore this offseason was the biggest disappointment of my red wheeled loving life. Im gonna start with last offseason, we had no business overpaying and over-terming Chariot and Copp then singing vets left and right. We should have gave the kids a chance and played for a top pick(even if we didn't get Bedard guess what, we missed Michkov and Leonard by ONE PICK). Fast forward this offseason, everybody is excited for the draft and free agency and what does Stevie do?? Another exact al most to the tee similar, underwhelming draft. Then to justify the draft Stevie comes out and says "we are still in rebuilding mode". Ok, so does that mean we are gonna fall back, play our kids and try to get a lottery pick that we desperately need(kinda like we should done last year)? Nope, he immediately goes on another ill advised shopping spree and gives us Chariot 2.0, Copp 2.0, and another bunch of loose change. For the love of God WHY? And why say one thing and do another?? This just makes no logical sense whatsoever. The fact that Holl, Chariot, Copp, and JT take up 1/4th of our cap for the next 3+ years makes my blood boil. It's mind boggling. It's the type of stuff any other GM would be thrown out the building for. Not to mention Stevie just spent our last 2 top picks on similar Centers and a ton of DMEN. Im trying to wrap my head around this but it just makes no sense whatsoever. This is so un-Stevie like Im beginning to think he's having health issues or taking advice from Kenny Holland. Im just bewildered by what's going on and I must admit Im losing faith in the Yzerplan. I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd say that but what's going on is so bizarre all I can do is šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚andšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚thenšŸ˜¢

  18. This host is so damn ignorant. It's not year 5 of the rebuild, it's year 7! The rebuild started 2 years before Ken Holland's last day of work. A rebuild is when you stop buying high priced free agents and stop trading for players and start trading away players for draft picks, which started 2 years before Holland was run out of town. The rebuild does NOT start after you've cleared the payroll of the overpaid players. You clear the payroll during the process of rebuilding and eliminating players in exchange for draft picks which started 6 years ago, hence we are entering year 7. I wish he would stop talking about the things which he doesn't fully understand. Just bring McCarty on and sit silently please Mr Host.

  19. What the problem is, is the entitlement of Detroit sports fans. Its a bitter pill, but when you have a team that dominated the league the way the Wings did within the last 30yrs….you get fans who only know a winning team and will be upset if on paper each year the team doesn't look like cup favorites. Its not like Connor McDavid and Matthews are getting offered to us for a couple Faygos and chili dog.
    So yea its gonna take some time to rebuild and rebuild isn't just reloading with good young players but also getting getting the money right. Patience is whats needed, and who knows the current roster might be good enough for a playoff spot.

  20. I disagree with the not year 5 then followed it up with "factual", but you're absolutely right. Nobody made the moves that everyone is complaining Yzerman didn't make. I think he's setting up for some bigger moves in the near future.

  21. If anyone knows hockey and how to assemble the right mix of players Yzerman does!! Have faith people, he WILL get it done!!

  22. We was spoiled with success here in Detroit so when thing's don't happen instantly we get mad or pass blame…if we improve every year then Stevie is doing the right thing.
    The 40 or 50 goal guy's the Wings didn't get maybe didn't want to come here…come on man stop acting like an entitled fan…these thing's takes time brother.
    I've been a Wings fan before Stevie was even drafted and I've seen the worst and the best of the Wings and the rise of their successes and downfalls.

  23. All of you that are disappointed have ZERO SKIN in this team 1st of all you don't see what Yzerman is doing this town is spoiled the goal is not to make the playoffs to make you happy.

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