@New York Rangers

Bench clearing brawl, La Tuque vs Granby, Nov 30th 2019

Jonathan Oligny vs Vincent Senez-Allaire
Olivier Plourde vs Brian Lovell
Louis-Patrice Giguère vs Jonathan Bouchard
Samuel Gagnon vs Jonathan Fortier
Jordan Turcotte vs Christopher Saurette
Louis-Patrice Giguère vs Martin Trempe


  1. Судя по полупустому маленькому залу бодаются две дворовые команды 9-го дивизиона 7 лиги.


  3. Ce que mon sport est devenu laid maintenant ce sont des chients des tarés assoiffés de sang et les dégénérés d’estrades sont pire qu’eux

  4. Tous des bouffons dans ce sport !!! Honte à vous !!! Vos familles doivent avoir hontent de vous !!! Vos enfants, et vos femmes qui regardent …. pas de mots juste a dire que vous êtes en dessous de la merde !!!

  5. This is the end. Everything foretold in the book of revelation (Bible) will unfold. This is the final generation before the rapture. Jesus Christ is at the door. He is about to rapture His children. They will vanish in an instant and spend eternity with Him in heaven.

    Those of you who desire eternal life must come to Jesus Christ before it's too late. The doors are coming to a close. You don't want to be left behind for hell on earth. Those who desire Jesus Christ must also reject the Covid-19 vaccine and warn others to also reject the Covid-19 vaccine out of love. The vaccine separates all those who receive it from God for all eternity.

    Jesus Christ didn't die in vain. It's not God's will that anyone perish but all repent to receive eternal life. He is the King of Glory. His name will be Glorified throughout the earth by His servants from around the world. This is fhe end. If you're willing, now is the time to repent and prepare for the return of the King.

  6. Am I really seeing shirtless morons a la fightclub in a bench clearing mateur hour ice hockey shit show? Fat belly boy jerkoffs? Unreal.

  7. What a D-bag….chin pony tail…takes his equipment of and runs around like a total puss.

  8. That loser #7 that pulls his sweater and gear off, is a fucking embarrassment to the game. What a clown.

  9. You missed one fight: Donald "The Billionaire Crook" Trump against Joe "Corrupt" Biden!

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