@National Hockey League

Wayne Gretzky days until opening night!

Wayne Gretzky days until opening night!

by CustomerDramatic3460


  1. Sorovil

    I’m counting Bedard number here before opening night

  2. Master-File-9866

    So tommorow will be Jesse pulijarvi(sp)days until opening night?

  3. catharsis69

    Ahhh the Titan TPM. What a great stick for it’s time.

  4. Lower_Champion7914

    Must have been living under a hockey puck! 😄🏒

  5. fjordperfect123

    I only need to mentally hurdle 80 or so days. The last 2 weeks I’ll be on cruise control knowing it’s almost here and will stop pining for it.

  6. ItsZacNotZach

    99 more days till I leave the desert too

  7. Immediate-Sample-836

    He’s only the greatest hockey player of all time!

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