@Florida Panthers

Lomberg OT goal called back for goaltender interference – Have your say!

Ryan Lomberg thought he’d won Game 1 of the 2023 ECF for the Florida Panthers with this overtime goal. After review it was deemed Colin White interfered with goaltender Freddie Andersen.

Tough Call will be reviewing the incident. Have your say!


  1. Laughable. The interference happens long before the shot is taken and is caused by Drury pushing White into his own goal crease. Should have counted.

  2. This one is tough, but I would say "No Goal" because White skated into the paint and his skate collided with the goalies prior to Drury entering the play. This skate on skate contact interfered with Anderson's ability to move freely and potentially make a save. This is all within fractions of a second. Drury then enters the crease and forces White to interfere with the goalie. If the skate on skate contact didn't happen I would say it's a good goal.

  3. It's called goalie interference. The goalie was interfered with in this case. Not that difficult to call.

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