@Washington Capitals

Should Sidney Crosby be Suspended for this Sucker Punch on Nic Dowd? NHL News, Video

Should Pittsburgh Penguins captain Sidney Crosby be suspended for this sucker punch on Nic Dowd on April 9, 2022? Nic Dowd was not injured.

Let me know down below what you guys think the punishment should be, if Sidney Crosby should be suspended or fined for this sucker punch on Nic Down, and don’t forget to like and subscribe to keep up with more dope hockey content

#NHLPlayerSafety #Pens #Crosby87

46.15 Match Penalty – A match penalty shall be assessed to a player who punches an unsuspecting or unwilling opponent (i.e. “sucker punch”) and causes an injury.


  1. i like Crosby but I have zero problem with a suspension for this illegal sucker punch. It was dangerous, and cheap, and he should be penalized.

  2. First of all, do people not understand how much dirty shit happens to crosby. Dude missed so many games due to some of the dirtiest plays. Who knew what all happened before this punch because its been proven crosby isnt a malicious player. You gotta do some messed up shit before he pulls something like this. Yeh he can get frustrated and do some shit that isnt right but maybe once or twice ever has he really hurt any and they missed a game.

  3. If that is what you call a punch you never played hockey and never got punched , you know nothing about hockey

  4. The league didn't suspend Taylor Hall for his sucker punch from behind, they won't suspend Crosby for this.

  5. It is hard to say what should be done. Should he be fined yes but to 5 k probably not but I do believe the ref needs to start calling all penalty in the game before the playoffs happen. This is why we are seeing more and more sucker punch and stuff like this happening. The other player here did make a penalty before hand where he grabbed the stick of the opponent that is a penalty and you don't see these getting called even if the ref seen it or not. Maybe that is the issue here not Crosby and I'm not a fan of Crosby at all and I do believe he should be suspended for other issue but this one I would put a bit in his favorite for once. But I still believe he should be fine the same as the last guy to get fined for sucker punching.
    I also believe that the NHL and Players' safety needs to add any penalty for those players that try to cause a penalty on themselves because they purposely turn themselves to a player coming at them. How many time have a seen a player look back and see a player coming at them and they turn their back to that player knowing full well that if they do get hit they will get that player kicked out of the game but also putting themselves in great danger of injury to themselves and they don't care anymore about it which make it worse. The Ref needs to be more involved in the game as well and calling penalties.
    I remember the days where there was only one Ref with two linesman and there were a lot of penalties behind the scene that were no being called and there were some serious injuries because of it. I hope it never happens but one day it will. And I believe it will happen sooner than later.

  6. Cindy Crosby has always been a player that will hit someone like this. And then he would hide behind the players to save him. He has always been a pussy big mouth but never back's it up with a fight. He's a diaper wearing punk. Little bitch

  7. The best thing the league could do is suspend/fine Crosby. Not sure when these teams meet again but I don’t think you want to leave it in the hands of the Caps to make this feel square.

  8. after dowd got dropped like a sack o potatoes,Crosby i beleive will be the next heavyweight champion of da world

  9. What do you guys think would happen if someone suckered Crosby? He’d probably still be flopping on the ice crying for a suspension- and would likely get it.

  10. Crosby has been a mocha stain on the NHL for years. His skate kicking, tripping, and general manchild behavior has been out of control since day one. It's about time Crosby is made to play by the rules that every other player has to play by.

  11. Permanent suspension! Just kidding, I hate the A-hole, and a game of 1 or 2 would be justified.

  12. Crosby is easily best player in league last 15 years,,,before him Eric lindros , before him Mario lemieux ,,,,Crosby is getting ready to skate out his golden years,,,,

  13. He says he doesn't have a " track record" .. and then states chopping off a players finger .. get a clue man! … he doesn't have a track record for ONE reason. He plays by a different set of rules and the League turns the other way and we all know it!

  14. Crosby is without a doubt a POS but no way is that a suspension. Give your head a shake snowflake!

  15. Sucker punch?? More like love tap. That’s why pussys shouldn’t play hockey. Dowd dove like he was coming off the high dive

  16. They should start suspending these guys for their embellishments then also. Because that was a fucking sell job

  17. Great goal by Wilson later in the game. The Pens goalie was looking at Ovechkin and Wilson buried the shot in the top corner.

  18. It should result in a fine. Truthfully, Crosby hits about as hard as a snowflake so Dowd ought to have been penalized for embellishment.

  19. Crosby gets away with this shit all the time if Marchand gets suspended for this so should Crosby. I am so sick of them letting this dirty dirty player get away with this shit over and over again. He is untouchable why, why indeed????

  20. Malkin is probably being suspended for a cross-check to the face of Mark Borowiecki, which means the DOPES don't have the testicular fortitude to punish 2 players from the Penguins at the same time!

  21. Not Sid the slasher, a.k.a. Slewfoot Sid, a.k.a.suckerpunch Sidney. Sooooo sick of the double standard in this league. It has gone beyond the realm of a bad joke. Crosby has gotten away with this chicken sh@t his whole career,. And how about Malkin, Mathews, McDavid…. they are all little cheap shot f×@kers that the league enables. Shame on the NHL

  22. This is another reason this league is so far down the list of popularity of sports leagues (outside of Canada). That one, especially a superstar/poster child of the game can sucker punch, and not be suspended. In a league, and a players union that still puts dollars so far ahead of player safety. (It shouldn't matter how hard Crosby's punch was–the precedent is a mere fine–keeping open the door for similar or worse behavior to continue). We are in a time where they're still only pretending to be serious about blows to the head. Players are only getting bigger and stronger and if this is allowed to continue eventually a player will suffer a catastrophic injury. Even then this league will trip and stumble and bumble instead of doing the right thing and bring in serious punative suspensions for any delberate hit to the head.

  23. Also, you shouldn't need a track record, nor should it matter what part of the season it is. A deliberate strike to the head of an opponent should require a serious minimum, automatic, no other questions asked, suspension. When will this league get its head out of its ice-cold frozen butt? George Parros still heading up league discipline provides a clue. Although an enforcer he has been quoted as saying he never got suspended, never crossed the line. The NHL problem on head shots is where this line is, not who is crossing it.

  24. All plays like this should most certainly be penalized, with extra punishment if it happens after the whistle. Not sure about suspension if the glove remained on and the player was uninjured. For me, the stuff going on between play is what seems more dangerous since players drop their guard when the play is dead. Cross-checks, punches, slashes… the amount of crap the refs allow to happen after the whistle is ridiculous and it leads to crap like this, and some players have low IQ and don't realize you shouldn't retaliate by cross-checking someone's mouth. 😂

  25. Matthews got 2 games for a crosscheck to the neck. Sidney should get multiple games.

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