@Montreal Canadiens

Carey Price makes Dominik Hasek style save in overtime

Watch as Montreal Canadiens superstar goaltender Carey Price makes an unreal Dominik Hasek type save in overtime against the Tampa Bay Lightning.


  1. Price was just AWSOME!! Bolts also played really well, respect to them.
    Very intense and exciting game overall.

  2. I dont know what made it better, the speed of Price while doing the cartwheel or the absolutely abysmal shot by Palat

  3. Not even a habs fan but if this isn't number 1 on top ten and the winner of save of the year then I don't know what is. Just…whaaa? How did he do that?!

  4. From the moment Palat picks up the rebound, he has nothing to shoot at. It's not luck; Price covers his angles the entire time. And, at the moment the shot is released, he is an instant away from recovering back into his butterfly (if Drouin hadn't rammed into his left leg).

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