@New York Islanders

Isles Sign Brock Nelson to Six Year Extension

I am not a fan of the term. Let me know what you fine people think of this deal.

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  1. The reason why he's always been a 40 point guy is because Nelson would always play well in October and disappear the rest of the year. This year he played like a 2C and deserves the contract he's given.

  2. I don't think it's a coincidence that he had his best year when he had an actual NHL coach and not Capuano and Weight. Keep in mind he's forgoing free agency wuth that contract

  3. I am ok with it today. Hes a consistant 20 goal scorer. If he can play the same way he did this year then its fine.

  4. He had the leverage in this situation. Isles couldn't really replace him unless they spent huge money on a duchene or similar. Slightly overpaid but it's also Front-Loaded and allows for future extensions for Barzal, Pulock, Toews, Beau(?) To be backloaded. Makes sense from a cap standpoint, we'll see if he's worth the value. As a fan who does get on Nelson a lot, I give it a B or B-minus.

  5. I feel like with this contract they are counting on him to have his career year that he has this season and for that to become the new norm going forward

  6. No issues really he is a solid 20 goal scorer and could be a solid 2 way defensive center. 6 mil a year for 6 years not bad considering the raise of cap and league average salary. I think he will get better under Trotz system and seemed to thrive on increased responsibility.

  7. Brandon Saad signed the exact same deal, and is similar to Nelson in his point production. It is not a bad contract.

  8. islanders fan here… honestly this is about what isles fans thought he would get i think. I predicted him at 6/5.5 per (so 6/33)

  9. It's fine. 2nd-line centers don't grow on trees. He's played much better under Trotz and we need to keep a core of guys moving forward.

  10. Non-Islander fan.. bad contract if he cant produce 50+ points per season the coming years.
    Maybe Lou made a hand shake deal last year with Brock.
    Lou message I guess that he is serious and will over pay for players to stay and use up all his cap space.
    Also seems to have NTC. Now they have to protect him in the expansion draft. Could have been a way out if his production dropped back to his average.

  11. I think the contract will be good for the first 4 or 5 years but after that it won’t be so great. But he can definitely improve and maybe get a 70 point season

  12. A lot more then I expected. thought 4 years 5 million per year would have been better

  13. Can’t say I’d do the same thing. Almost feels like he should have laughed at the offer and said “No, really, what’s the offer?” That’s a bit high and long.

  14. Term seems like too long but time will tell; money seems like too much but in another 3-4 years more guys at his level will make that much or more.

  15. Its a great contract. Look at the market outside of Nelson. He woulda got more then 6 million anywhere else looking for a 2 way center. Solid signing. Now time to get lee.

  16. If he had hit free agency, he would have probably made at least 7.5mil, tbh its a steal, even if it doesn't seem like it.

  17. The term worries me, but it's not egregious and I would be a lot more comfortable had it been 1-2 mil less a year. That being said he looked a lot better this year so I hope Trotz helped him with his consistency issues. Playing with an actual structure now helps I'm sure.

  18. Not an Islanders fan, but a fan of hockey; I don't like the contract.
    Other than generational players – Ovechkin, Crosby, McDavid – and maybe your franchise guys – MacKinnon, Couture, Backstrom – I don't see why you'd sign a guy for more than 4 years. Maybe you can get a steal if you get him really young, but the likelihood that he'll regress is so much higher than that he'll improve enough to make it worth it. Just let the guy know, you're willing to give him 4 years, and if he keeps performing, you can give him a similar contract again when this one's up; probably shorter, because he'll be older, but maybe for more money per, because who knows how the cap will look by then?
    And certainly the money is way too high. If that's the going rate, then let him go. Let somebody else pay him that much.
    I guess losing Tavares means you don't have that franchise guy you need to pay, but I'd rather not throw 1st line money at 2nd/3rd line guys just because you can.

  19. no sign bonus….. less guaranteed. if he has Sign bonus that's a different game

  20. Jake Guentzel is also making 6 he just scored 40 with 76 points glad we got him locked up

  21. I always enjoy the teams that do well without a bonafide 'star'. What do I think about nelson's contract? Would make a lot of sense for most contracts to be a bit shorter term. Can't say much else…new Sasquatch video just posted. Gotta go see…..

  22. Too much money and too much term. He was quite good this year, and there's hope he could get better.

    But the fact they gave Nelson that much, and Lee, and Eberle are free agents this year is scaring me.

  23. as an isles fan, I sudds liked to see 5 years. even at 6 mil, id be ok with that. or 5.5 for 6 years. but in the end of the day, its not bad.

  24. As an isles fan I think it’s a bit much should be 3-4 mil at most but if it means keeping the team chemistry I’m down

  25. Under a totally new defensive structure with Barry Trots, he flourished as a 2 way center. He was one of the few players one the team who had his point total increase over last year. He's a consistent 20 goal scorer and he hit 25 this year while having a down year shooting% wise.
    Also after Duchene who is gonna get 10m/y from someone what other centers are available in free agency…. Kevin Hayes maybe?
    This contract is fine for a 25g 50pt 2c that can play both sides of the ice.

  26. Nelson is playing 200 foot game and look at how tough his line played. Seems like a good deal for both player and team

  27. As an islander fan I have to say I'm not even remotely upset with this season , and Nelson's getting his dues sure it's probly a bit much but it's not ridiculous either , he pulled his weight this year and is fairly consistent, good skater and good shooter, but what else can we do. The biggest thing this year is we have now become a defensive strong hold , islanders don't go out and win by 4-5 goals we go out and win 2-0 3-0 or obviously with in reason of 2-1 kinda concept so I'm happy he resigned because we're obviously not looking for some one like Jt any more and Brock's plus minus is in the twentys so that's a big win for me

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