@Columbus Blue Jackets

LFR15 – Game 50 – Cake Cannon – TOR 3, CBJ 4 (OT)

LFR Following Columbus Blue Jackets vs. Toronto Maple Leafs | Feb 22, 2022




  1. Ok so you’re also thinking Campbell + whatever to make salary work for demko and jt Miller?

  2. Imo the Leafs biggest problem is Muzzin is the only Leafs player that makes over 2 mil that has above NHL average battle level to his game.

  3. Not sure I'm in anymore Steve. I mean, I want them to do well but I have zero faith now. I laugh when they lose to MTL, I barely watch (honestly, I watch you more than the Leafs). They've thoroughly lost my fandom with this style of "play" over the past few years. I'll buy SDPN merch over anything the leafs have out there now…

  4. OK now I'm starting to worry about the goal tending. Also when is JT going to come back to the land of the living? He's been a ghost for over a month now.

  5. Somehow, Leaf are going to end up with Patty Laine and no RD, or goaltending. I don't know if that is good or bad, it's just my guess.

  6. As a Jackets fan, at least there is consistency with the kicking calls in the league, but we are not the only team to be upset over that kicked in goal

  7. maybe their goal is to choke so bad they face florida round 1. or maybe they'll piss away their playoff spot to detroit, that'd be pretty funny too.

  8. Was in attendance for this game such a fun one to watch even though the buds lost and say what you want about the cannon I like it

  9. I’m in. Never a different possibility. But I’d be in deeper with a better D-corp and consistent goaltending.

  10. "What have we all done to you?"


  11. It looks like the same thing that happened to Freddy Andersen is happening to Jack Campbell. He came in as the savior but after a year or two he falls off. Then yall want him traded and when he does or leaves via free agency he returns to his best form. I hate to say it but the Laughs take the best from players but after a while they seem to fall off or simply don't have the fire they had when they arrived. I hope that's not the case as a hawks fan, but it looks like history is repeating itself and a bit quicker than what happened to Freddy

  12. I'm still not hitting the panic button HOWEVER, though people have been concerned of Jack Campbell's play as of lately this is the first time I've been concerned of his play. The one thing the majority of all his other bad games had in common was the defence not clearing the net causing goals in which he was either screened or a scramble in front where the opposition is left open. In this game I saw him give up 3 goals where it was him vs the shooter and the shooter won.

    What was more alarming was his reaction after the Boqvist goal. His reaction is a clear indication of the pressure he has on himself. Funny enough though his reaction though alarming as it indicates where his heads at, it's also relieving. Campbell to me at least has proven to be constantly a reliable goalie. He is generally a very positive person and people like him feed on positivity and drown in negativity. I predict his confidence is going to be low all the way until the trade deadline. Until then, he will feel down on himself and hold himself accountable for any teammates that are being sent down or traded. Once the teams identity for the rest of the season is solidified he will be back to himself. I have full faith in him being ready come playoffs.
    Our defence on the other hand is a whole different scenario.

  13. On the game tying “goal” by Spezza….2 things. First…high stick by Tavares. Second kicked it in. Period. If you homer, joke of a fan base had that happen AGAINST you, you hypocrites would be crying your EYES out. What a joke.

  14. “We still have the lead, we’re still up.”
    Hmm you’ve said that before… I wonder where (laughs in habs)

  15. Cam has been doing pretty, pretty well in Philly. But Voracek was exactly what CBJ needed. Low-key very, very happy with the trade so far.

  16. soup gotta stop them shots that fly right at him. 5 hole, by yer nose, under yer arm must stop. spets kicked that in but was awesome anyways

  17. good one…..I couldn't watch the game after the Montreal loss .every now and then I need a break from this team. Im a leaf fan for over fifty years I have had such a long time watching them fall I wish we had some more grit and our goaltending has been bad lately I hope we can win a first round I have some scotch I want to celebrate with…okay if we lose ill still drink it but ….

  18. I know how the Leafs can win the cup. They need 4 new defensemen, guys who are big and mean and arrive at the rink in a bad mood; 6 new forwards, lines 3 and 4, who are very good defensively, but can score every couple of games; a first class goalkeeper, a guy who thrives under pressure. That oughta do it.

  19. STEVE! we need tonight's LFR so that we don't feel like we're the only ones going insane

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