@National Hockey League

Alain Vigneault has just announced his retirement from coaching at 62 years of age.

Alain Vigneault has just announced his retirement from coaching at 62 years of age.

by CustomerDramatic3460


  1. blondechinesehair

    We’ll always have 2011 Alain.

  2. nobodyhelp69

    If he is 62 years old in that picture, he aged well, especially being a coach.

  3. lottolser

    Probably make more being a analyst and he’s almost 65, if no one is hiring makes sense to retire early.

  4. BubbaSpanks

    Damn sorry to see him go, hopefully he turns up as a scout

  5. ThrowAwayCanadaFin22

    If I made what a decent coach made there’s no way I’d work past 60, good for him.

  6. bwoah07_gp2

    One of my favourite coaches…I remember him saying to “trust the process” during rocky moments of the season, and saying Bolland has an “IQ of a birdseed” when sticking up for the Sedins.

    He is up there in being one of the best Canucks coaches of all time.

  7. Johnny--Football

    I enjoyed the time he laughed at Tanner Glass scoring a goal

  8. siguel_manchez

    Vigneault is 62?

    Christ he looks well for it!

  9. Judge_Rhinohold

    What was his final record as a head coach?

  10. atomicfroster

    Of all the coaches in NHL history he was one of them.

  11. The_Seeker431

    Worst photo ever, I thought he died

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