@Philadelphia Flyers

Woke Mob goes after Ivan Provorov for not wearing a Gay Pride Jersey

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  1. Just go to Saudia Arabia & celebrate your Alphabet Soup shit!😂😂😂🤡🤡

  2. If it he didn’t want to take part in the event then why didn’t he say that I am not playing tonight due to my religious beliefs? He didn’t sit out the game because he probably wouldn’t have been paid, so at the end of the day, which did he choose, his money or his religious beliefs? And what does his religion say about choosing money over his religion?

  3. Why do sports even have a pride night like who gives a fuck what sexual preferences are

  4. Many of us NHL fans play the game and keep in shape and are not 40 pounds overweight and drinking beer all the time. Can't agree with this assertion.

  5. If Provorov was a muslim, nothing would have been said. Kudos to him for standing up to the woke mob. I don't care whether anyone is straight or gay, just don't shove it down my throat. There is no straight pride day.

  6. Empires move from affluence to decadence easily, and then collapse.

    Clay love your show, love you, love your takes. I do have a small disagreement with you on this topic. First time, i haven't fully agreed with you. You said that as a straight male, that you are overjoyed when there are more gay men because it increases your odds with the women and the gay men can live happy lives and do whatever they want, etc, bang each other, whatever. Frankly, that is a selfish motive. I agree, that these men are free to choose their lifestyles and we live in tolerance, not celebration, but we must, as a society, be alarmed at the decay of it's moral fabric. Empires move from affluence to decadence easily, and then collapse. See Babylon, Rome, Greece, etc. Homosexual behavior is shameful, and from a Christian perspective, sure we tolerate it, don't celebrate it, however we must also speak out on it's dangerous affect on our children's minds and society. Don't be selfish Clay.

    Love you.

  7. I don’t watch hockey, but I’ll buy that players jersey for his beliefs, which align with mine

  8. Way to go Ivan! I support your stance 💯💯💯👏👏👏 including The Russian Federation's banning of Wokesim coonery and baffoonery. How about that! It took a Russian man in the NHL to stand up to this B. S. Where are all the Canadian and American men in the NHL? It seems to me that they are allowing themselves to be femenized. All Praises To The Most High. 🙏🙏🙏

  9. Raised by Lesbians in the 80's and 90's, one Polish, the other Sicilian. Those tough ladies would kick the Lilly asses of this so called LGBT++++ "community". They raised 4 boys who became soldiers, fighters, bouncers, and teachers who fight for the underdogs and gold themselves accountable to the Man in the Mirror and the Man Upstairs.


  11. Can’t believe that one guy just one had the balls to stand up to these woke idiots. We need to push back hard against this tyranny forced on people enough is enough

  12. some behavior if left to continue results in problems for innocent people. if you tolerate everything, you stand for nothing.

  13. Бедная Америка, как мне жаль вас американцы. Без слез это смотреть и слушать невозможно.

  14. I 100% support this brave heart hockey player. We need more brave hearts…. who's next? We know you're out there….. just be brave and speak out, like this brave hockey player. Millions love and admire him.

  15. This man came to America from Russia for freedom and has to deal with lockstep Leftist totalitarianism. Not diversity but conformity. Not freedom but coercion. Not unity but uniformity. Not freedom of speech but enforced propaganda. Remember when it used to be about tolerance? Now it's "March in our parade or we will get you cancelled and fired."
    Ironic that the so called woke Leftists are always whining about "Cultural Appropriation, Well, for over three thousand years the rainbow was a Judeo-Christian symbol of God's mercy after judging sin. Hypocritical ripoff.
    Doubly ironic that, at the same time that this story hit the news, two white rent-a-cops were trying to kick a Black guy out of a mall for wearing a "Jesus Saves" T-shirt. Free speech for everyone who agrees with us.

  16. Scott Lively predicted this outcome a decade ago. He called it "The 5 stages of Homofascism".

    1. Tolerance

    2. Acceptance

    3. Celebration

    4. Forced Participation

    5. Punishment of Dissenters

  17. Американцы, кто вам яйца отрезал? Когда Вы начнете иметь именно СВОЕ ЛИЧНОЕ МНЕНИЕ? Когда свои новые яйца отрастите, а не будете жить как скажет дядя Сэм, как марионетки? Не устали от того, что Ваши же деньги, заплаченные на налоги, миллиардами делят между собой ваши элиты"типа на поддержку украины"? Такое впечатление, что американцы перестали нормально мыслить.

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