@Vegas Golden Knights

Auston Matthews Scores 4 Goals In First NHL Game vs Sens 12/10/2016

Auston Matthews scores 4 Goals in first NHL career game


  1. His first NHL game and every single goal he scored his teammates were happier than he was. Man oh man he must've thought the sens were a joke.

  2. This was 5 Yeats ago. Still hasn't been out of the first round of the playoffs. Soft as hand churned butter. With a face-fern children run from. But ya, he has this moment.

  3. Loved seeing the GM in the owners box thinking to himself "probably shouldn't have passed on that guy…."

  4. I will NEVER EVER forget this game and more than I’ll forget when Shanahan flipped that card to see our logo. #34 Lil Papi. I unknowingly walked around with meningitis before suffering 5 ischemic strokes that have my medical team stumped to this day with chances of surviving so far in the minus, paralyzed, unable to read, write, walk, (horrifyingly scary) aphasia, and 4 years of daily therapy that took the last half of my 30s and I knew only 7 people and 4 true facts

    The People

    My Daughter
    Twin brother
    Auston Matthews His four goals.

    My estranged betrayer stepmother and the embodiment of evil she and her son are who poisoned me with rat poison leading up to the medical anomaly I am today.

    Recruiting my wife’s negligent 63 year old tyrannical boxing coach she is afraid yet no longer capable of making sound decisions that had her betray me, arranged the kidnaping of my daughter then had me falsely/wrongfully prosecuted via a slew of crimes to avoid detection while I’m in the ICU fighting for my life paralyzed without my ability to think critically only to watch my ex is coerced into participating in every capital crime you can list especially the kidnapping of my Daughter, unbelievable acts of cruelty including crimes against humanity, all acts of cruelty, crimes of rendition, terrorizing, swatting, gangstalking all from the comfort as my power attorney’s as the 4 of them resume their sociopathic crime spree against the defenseless man I was without the most basic cognitive an physical skills that had them get gag orders, protection orders, crimes ranging from filing false police reports, blindsided attacks, impersonation, gross negligence with intent to kill, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon with a blunt force object with intent kill and cause devastation, from baiting hippa violations that had my attempted killers change my medical records to create the illusion that my illnesses were a result of a non-existent substance abuse issue among a hundreds of crimes using my my ex-wife’s compliance to give access to my medical records to my assailants who came in the the fake guise of concerned loved ones so they could have control and power of attorney over me to freely commit their elusive crimes beginning in January 2017 to present that covered every human sinister act I’ve ever seen including setting me up in the community which was immediately debunked which DID NOT AND WILL NOT EVER STOP these heirs to a deceased billionaire who actually refer to themselves as the “the chosen people” (although since they were reported to the AMA and the 22 year old Evanston mother and son solidified repeat rapist, my ex went from years of the 700 block of Hm

    I was the target of a smear campaign I wasn’t suppose to survive. And when I did these their lies, crimes, negligence, foul play, lies, calculated crimes acts of diabolical conduct I can’t believe they’re free if their home is their prison that has them radioactive and with zero freedom or friends and I have a good feeling they are aware that no amount of money these trust fun scum that made them so brazen without to ever thinking about the they would be accountable after all the lives they’ve destroyed using Perry J. Snyderman’s money and political influence.

    And Auston Matthews!

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