@Colorado Avalanche

What does a $500 Golf Lesson Look Like?

Huge Thanks to Lamkin for Making this video possible. If you need grips check them out

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  1. very good glimpse of a lesson.
    also impressive is the product placements. quite tastefully done.

  2. 500k hour to hit a ball with a golf club seems a bit too much for my taste … step to baseball 😉👍👎🚽🚽🔥🔥🔥

  3. Excellent Vedic Grant. Loved the wedge tips as I was having the same problems I like it as he was giving you instructions and you followed that with you putting it into practise. Well done

  4. Would really love to see Grant take a lesson with Porzak Golf. (Adam Porzak) – What he does to the young and upcoming pros especially with wedges

  5. What does a $500 dollar golf lesson look like? Looks like someone either has too much disposable income, or is just stupid.

  6. I bought Stan Utley's short game books years ago and still go back to them, they are my bible and truly game changing.

  7. The best instructors teach the basics. Perfectly simple, Stan is the best short game guy around.

  8. Out of all YT videos ever….Stan has changed how I think about wedges. Hitting absolute bullet dart one hoppers now. Thanks Stan

  9. Absolutely awesome video. Like the more advance videos. Would love to see another one or like practice round. (Trackman line to the shots would make these 10/10)

  10. I benefited from this lesson too! I tend to do the same thing as you Grant.

  11. Damn.. how this dude ever made it famous on camera is a mystery.. hes awkward and just ugly.

  12. Bro, you hit less than 10 balls with the wedge and you think you got it grooved? Bro if that's real then sign up for the tour because no one is able to do that.

  13. This is actually such a good video. I'm making a resolution – no more YouTube 'swing tip' videos, only watching videos of lessons. That way you can always pair the 'tip' with the problem that's happening in the swing. So good. More of these please grant!

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