@Buffalo Sabres

Brooks Orpik destroys Jeff Skinner

Brooks Orpik hits Jeff Skinner with a good open ice hit. Sadly Skinner is injured on the play. It could be his second concussion this year. January 17th 2012.


  1. Bottom line is Orpik never even attempted to play the puck. Therefore it is NOT a clean hit. It's interference. Congrats to those who are too stupid to know the most basic elements of the rule book. 

  2. Sucks Skinner got hurt but you gotta be smarter than that when you're the size of a midget. 

  3. Shawn Thornton didn't fight Orpik, he cheap shot punched him. It was worse than any hit orpik has given anyone.

  4. Orpik has a history of questionable hits… Hopefully, the NHL will suspend that POG after their review of his hit on Boyle and his head hunting attempt at St. Louis last night.  Thankfully both he and his team are OUT of the playoffs now.  He and Ovechin can continue molesting collies all summer.

  5. Unnecessary, could be considered a clean hit, but skinner was defenseless just going for the puck and I'm sure orpik knew he came off a concussion, skinner was probably targeted by the coach or maybe he targeted him himself.
    He could of easily gotten the puck, but you know, fuck class and sportsmanship! Its all fighting and hits!
    *que shitty heavy metal music*

  6. Skinner was good but he got demolished like that every month, potential ruined.

  7. Ok, this is why teenagers shouldn't play in the NHL, but Bettman's all about money and doesn't give two shits about rookie safety. Skinner should have at LEAST been playing AHL or back with Kitchener at this point, he just wasn't ready

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