@Vegas Golden Knights



  1. Tuomo Ruudun tasoitus World Cupin finaalissa 2004 menee yksilösuorituksena heittämällä ilmaveivinkin ohi. Ja sitten on nähty näitä koko kentän sooloja mitä sen hetken Euroopan paras pelaaja Mika Nieminen esitti 1995-96 EHT:ssä jne. Mutta tämmöisinä klip-klap-komboina nää kelpaa kyllä.

  2. Regarding sports, hear the Word of the Lord spoken to THIS generation from YAHUSHUA, He whom you call Jesus. At the bottom of this comment is more of these Letters;

    "7/27/12 From The Lord, Our God and Savior

    The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy

    For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

    This question was asked: What does The Lord think about the Olympics, and professional sports in general?

    Thus says The Lord: It is an abhorrence to Me. For the athletes, who, for a pretense, give thanks in My name, do always offend. For they have surely taken the name of The Lord in vain. For what part do I have in their achievements? What part do I have in their vanity? In their sin?!

    And look upon these monstrosities, which man has built for the sake of greed. Look upon the vanity and pomp of all these deceitful nations, and tell Me, what do you see? They enlarge themselves, while the needy are made to live in obscurity; behold they flaunt freedom, yet oppress their own people from birth to the grave! Not one does good – NOT ONE! All have gone the way of Sodom, every one of them follows in the way of Cain! And all, from the least to the greatest, have blasphemed My holy name!

    Therefore as I have spoken, I declare it once again:

    Let the glory of man be turned backward,

    Let every countenance fall and every heart fail,

    Until the pride of man is bowed down

    And the arrogance of man is utterly humiliated!…

    Declares The Lord."

  3. Minäkös luulin Mikael Granlundin ilmaveivi oli hienoin maali koskaan suomella mutta toi on ihan perkelen hieno maali

  4. Mun mielestä hienoin on se, olikos sekin Latviaa vastaan ja oisko peräti ollu samassa matsissa, kun Suomen pelaaja on Latvian maalin takana, feikkaa lähtevänsä yhteen suuntaan mut syöttää vastakkaiseen suuntaan, niin maalivahti lähtee ihan väärään suuntaan ja siitä tyhjään maaliin.

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