@Arizona Coyotes

Gotta See It: Ritchie’s goal wins series for Ducks over Oilers

Watch as Nick Ritchie scores what would be the eventual game-winner to get the Ducks a win over the Oilers to head to the Western Conference final.


  1. I dont know if it would have changed the outcome of the series, but Perry and Kesler interfered with Talbot and another goal was offsides.

  2. leafs fan at heart…but these oilers were legit robbed in this series..The NHL is borderline of insanity with officiating…Only in this league can you hear the phrase "letting them play" be said as the refs abandon all rules and regulations..

  3. I'm proud of my team this is many of their first times in the playoffs and they did very well!! Soon we will bring lord Stanley's cup home!! BTW GOOOO SENS!!

  4. Good riddance. Oilers fans "confidence" has made these comment sections unbearable the last few weeks.

  5. From a Hawk fan, this ducks team played this game like a complete team.   Forechecking/backchecking/counterattack/hitting/breakouts/puck control/shotblocking…..everything to the T.   Congrats to the Oilers for this season, and they are just gettn started!

    On another note……Nashville better be ready.

  6. Lucic the pylon strikes again. Look at how slow he is on this play. He was on the ice and responsible for the goal by Perry and for the one in overtime when Getzlaf made the pass for the winner. What a pylon!

  7. I'm a die hard ducks fan but the oilers deserved to win this series the Perry and Kesler challenges for goalie interference should have been won by the oilers

  8. Gotta say I really wanted the Oilers to win, I wanted to see McJesus in the finals… But gg from ducks.
    -a guy that doesn't really support any team but I like Laine

  9. OILERS COULD of had it!! 2-0 lead… then the zero turn into 2… then fracking spell loss….  THEY HAD THEIR CHANCE!!

  10. Where is the guy who always says "Oilers are winning the cup"? I want to thank him for jinxing his team and letting Anaheim exercise their playoff demons..!

  11. well if caps are gone at least there is the winner here, I would route for either of teams coming out on top.
    like leafs the oilers will come back wiser to next year post season.
    great first attempt tho, my young pedowans…

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