@National Hockey League

Bring back one defunct/relocated team which would it be

Bring back one defunct/relocated team which would it be

by ConstructionOk765


  1. TJTrapJesus

    The Ottawa Senators for mass confusion

  2. Rowdy_Roddy96

    Quebec City Nordiques for sure! Ottawa, QC, and Montréal rivalry would make a lot of money!

  3. ubcthrowaway-01

    Kansas City would be a great market today imo. That team was ahead of its time in the league

  4. ExposDTM

    Quebec makes the most sense to me but I do love the thought of a team being in Oakland and thriving there. That town deserves better than it’s gotten from the Raiders and A’s.

  5. Bringing back the Rockies may have some logistical issues…

  6. Bill-Blurr

    I wish Winnipeg would just rehash the old logo already. It rightfully belongs to the franchise no? I mean make a retro jersey with jets colours or use it as a sleeve patch. Idk something, it’s such a cool logo. Hate to see it go to waste.

  7. Kornchup

    Idk why people keep asking this question. The Nordiques win overwhelmingly, every time.

  8. Keeper_Jdubz

    I think I hear some brass bonanza 🐋

  9. ZombieBait2

    Hamilton Tigers or Quebec Nordiques if I had to choose a non Canadian team it would be Hartford or Golden Seals

  10. Numerous-Substance66

    Both atlanta teams. If one team didn’t work twice, two teams at once is bound to work. Built-in rivalry.

  11. AWokenBeetle

    Gimme Atlanta for more southern hockey

  12. c4ptm1dn1ght

    Bring back the Golden Seals, and they can play in Oakland. Oakland needs a new sports team.

  13. Falcon3492

    The Seals and the Barons were one and the same team.

  14. TheObscuris

    All the people who want a Canadian team are doing it wrong. The answer is the Atlanta Thrashers. Atlanta Flames to Calgary, Atlanta Thrashers to Winnipeg. Atlanta Nordiques has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?

  15. makalder

    It would be interesting to see the Rockies still going today. Especially if that what if thing with Gretz happened and they drafted him. Hockey I’m CO got huge in the late 90s, but if Gretz was here in the 80s I can’t even imagine. I wouldn’t change it though, I have so many great Avs moments to cherish.

  16. 3Snowshoes

    The Whale. All day. Every day. It is the only sensible answer. Most of these cities and states have teams already, and hockey should never sniff Atlanta again.

  17. Whalers and Nordiques. You can’t make me just pick one

  18. boltswinagain


    That team had potential. The branding was on point, they had fuckin *Heatley and Kovalchuk* for fucks sake, and the city of Atlanta was behind them up to the point where fans hit fuck it with ownership – throughout their entire 12 year tenure in Atlanta, the Thrashers only suffered net losses of $130K.

    They just need what neither the original Thrashers nor the Atlanta Flames ever had – ownership that actually gives a shit about hockey, about Atlanta, and about the fans. The Flames ownership group was a bunch of profiteers out to make the quickest buck possible, and the Atlanta Spirit Group’s handling of the Thrashers can only adequately be described as hockey terrorism.

    Maybe if Bettman had had as much of a hard-on for the Atlanta market as he does for the Arizona market, then the Thrashers would’ve lived.

  19. Puzzled-Breakfast493

    Hartford whalers. They had the coolest uniform colors.

  20. CliffW3KKO

    Hartford Whalers. Honorable mention for California Golden Seals

  21. Sir-McDoodoofart

    Anyone but the Nordiques just to piss off the French Fries

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