@Buffalo Sabres

We Were All WRONG About Him

Rasmus Dahlin is in uncharted territory with the way he has played this season. Will he drive the Sabres to the playoffs?


  1. OMG if only Power gets rolling like he has lately. Don't wanna get ahead of myself but this team is unique with all the gigantic pteradacyls on skates. Very tough team to play against.

  2. You can know nothing about hockey and still know the odds of a #1 overall pick in the NHL busting are 100x less than in any other sport, without even seeing him play. The phrase “generational” does not get thrown around in the NHL unless it’s true and every person who ever saw him play used the word “generational” to describe Dahlin. His success was as automatic as the sun coming up so speak for yourself.

  3. The addition of Samuelson has really changed the way that this team plays defense. A lot of people were scratching their heads at the extension that they gave him but he has shown that what he lacks in point he makes up for with his presence. It allows Dahlin to make decisions super quick.

  4. I mean if you thought an 18 year old defenseman was going to light up the league in his first couple of seasons, it shows how much you know about hockey…

  5. As a sabers fan, someone who watches all the games. The biggest difference is, he’s a man now. He’s not a boy anymore. You can get away with being soft as a forward but D man have to have some grit. Also I noticed his offense got better AS SOON as Power came into the line up. I think Dahlin scored Powers first start. The pressure was off his shoulders and he can be his own player finally

  6. you know you are good when you are the reason why someone (me) started watching hockey again

  7. hard to pick who is the most impressive sabre – Power will most likely be talked about a lot next year, but Dahlin is absolutely elite. awesome vid bud, thanks

  8. Someone who watches more hockey needs to explain why Adam Fox is valued so highly. In terms of scoring Dahlin has more goals and assists.

  9. How about Karlsson? He literally is the best offensive defenseman in the league for like a decade now.

  10. people (even the ones in our own city) need to start showing respect, seems like everytime we lose its "sabres are back"…or "the real sabres played today" cozens, as young as he is is showing he's a top 6 possibly in later years elite forward, oloffson has been playing unreal, the young guns line is nasty and the topline is undeniably insane, our defense definitely needs some work tho lol

  11. why you saying "we" only people who dont know much probably said this, dude was great at 16 in the world juniors, you could tell he'd develop into a great player

  12. Anyone that was wrong forgot who was his head coach and actually thought he wasn't good 😂 this proves that the HC choice does matter and could make or break a player

  13. Oh you mean an 18-20 years old defenseman wasn’t elite right away? Tell me more lol defensemen take time and Fox and Makar were in college for 2 years Dahlin went from playing as a 3rd pair dman in Sweden to playing damn near top pair minutes in the NHL right away.

  14. defenseman generally take longer to blossom into the NHL. take Aaron Eklbad as an example, he took a good 2-3 years to develop and become comfortable in his position

  15. Wrong about Dahlin? I couldn’t believe we would be lucky enough to get a player like him. Dahlin was playing against way older opponents for a lot of years even before joining Sabres. Watching him play you could see he was going to become something special. Also playing defense is way harder than offense. The future looks superb now for Sabres.

  16. You left out a pretty obvious Swedish superstar when talking about the best offensive D-men in the league – a guy who's been better than anyone on the back end offensively all season.

  17. Why the hell would anyone had "written him of"? It makes no sense. Just because he is a number one pick does not mean he was going to get 70 points in his first season. He is a defenceman. His first few years were on a team with little direction and not much leadership from its two number two picks from 14 and 15.

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