@Vancouver Canucks

Tie Domi elbows Scott Niedermayer – May 3, 2001

NHL hockey fights, brawls, scrums, roughs, hits, cheap shots, and other incidents.


  1. Domi had an extra hard cranium, so you could technically win a fight but not do a hell of a lot of damage.

  2. Leaf announcers – not much of an elbow, looks like a love tap. It looked like he just fell on his own.

  3. "He fell all by himself."
    TRANSLATION: "I'm hoping no camera caught Domi doing what I saw him do."

  4. Always great to see accountability for dirty plays. Sadly, the NHL protected Stevens so he didn't get his.

  5. Old time hockey. Clean hit. Nice work! 👍

    Fell all by himself and knocked out. Obviously some underlying pre-existing medical condition never diagnosed. 🤣

  6. People give Domi shit about this, but Scott laid several cheap shots in this series leading up to it. I'm not a Toronto or NY fan btw

  7. Stevens was mad! In the penalty box… he wouldn't do JACK S if he was on the ice. Coward. Bravo Tie!!!

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