@Vegas Golden Knights

Robin Lehner on Kyle Beach Blackhawks Incident: “People Should Have a Hard Time Sleeping at Night”

Watch as Robin Lehner speaks on Kyle Beach Blackhawks Incident: “People Should Have a Hard Time Sleeping at Night”

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  1. You can see Robin genuinely cares. This man has been to hell and back with his own demons and you just know he feels for Beach. I hope Lehner is one of the guys in the NHLPA who pushes for Don Fehr to be shown the door. That bastard doesn't deserve to be the head of the Players Association.

  2. It was so hard for him not to absolutely tare into the entire Blackhawks team and management. Those long pauses where Robin thinking through what he would say. He shows more emotional attachment to this situation than towes Kane or Keith's. Blackhawks should be absolutely ashamed of themselves.

  3. Yeah beach was so abused by a 5'-7" 163lb video coach.
    While he was going out with him and a hooker drinking and playing strip poker.
    Not once but twice they went out. Anybody ask him about how he used to attack his own teammates on the ice and locker room?

  4. What management did in Chicago was wrong. I feel bad for Beach. However you have a grown man that apparently would not stand up for himself. Everyone is now blaming the players. Forgetting the fact Beach was a black ace. He was a call up in the playoffs just for the cup run. He also stayed and put up with it because he had a shot at getting a ring. He never played a single NHL game. I would bet most top players never said more than hello or goodbye to him. They didn't know him that well. Everyone wants to speculate about what the players knew. The fact is nobody knows. This has turned in to nothing more than lynch mob mentality. Also in the investigation report the woman that was with Beach and Aldrich at Aldrich's condo directly contradicts Beach's account of what he said happened on that night. So Beach didn't exactly tell the truth in that situation. The woman is independent so her story is credible.

  5. "I'm devastated for him, I feel for him."

    Now imagine the fucking captain of the Blackhawks had said this, instead of defending Stan Bowman.

  6. why did Kyle wait years and years to "come out" about what happened? why not do something YEARS AGO when it happened? why wait?

  7. The Beach situation is like a huge zit, you need to keep pressing it until all the puss is squeezed out, then the healing starts. It's time the NHL starts acting like a pro league rather than cheap beer league.

  8. You can tell he's heart broken for Kyle Beach. Tons of respect for Robin Lehner!!!!

  9. The real story is that it is Pathetic that anybody allows themselves to be SEXUALLY ABUSED for Money, Financial Gain or Status. Stand up for yourselves before you get Molested. I stood up for myself and stopped potential ABUSE.

  10. This video needs to be sent to Kane and Toews as an example of how to express sympathy and remorse.

  11. I really hope lehner someday ends up heading the PA I’ve never seen a guy so caring for the players first. No BS. He says exactly what he’s feeling and he’s still in the league. The only guys who talk like him are retired. I would love to see him head it up because he wouldn’t give a shit about owners and winning and all that crap. He’d only want to help guys. Whether it’s mental health, addiction, sexual assault, abuse of any sort, he would only try to help. And knock down whatever red tape he needs to.

  12. In my honest opinion anyone who was on that Blackhawks team should be kicked out of the NHL and names removed from the cup. The Blackhawks do not deserve to be called champions. Thank you Lehner for everything you are doing to make mental health an easier thing for players to talk about. Normally goalies are looked at as headcases but Robin clearly has a better head on his shoulders than anyone in the Blackhawks situation.

  13. coaches make players accountable…'s time that the NHL, the good ole boys club, is made accountable….abuse in the NHL? It has been around since the original 6.

  14. I like Lehner. He is one of the few authentic hockey players that comments beyond the game.

  15. Don't know Robin but after seeing this I will be a fan. We need more like him in sports.

  16. Robin should be commended as a hero for supporting and defending beach. The cowards on the blackhawks should ALL be held accountable, including the players that did nothing

  17. Including Blackhawks captain Toews who is lying & making excuses for the perpetrators ugh

  18. Lehner should have trouble sleeping after that terrible game of his

  19. I´m a pretty open guy, I try to listen and see things from different angles, honestly this story just seems fishy to me, Beach is a big guy and if some guy told me to have sexual relationship with him I would say No and if he threatens me I would go to the management before I stick a d*ck in my mouth, He filed no police report and why come forward now? 11 years later, to me this just sounds like a guy who never made it and is broke, this is a moneygrab.

    For me after reading the lawsuit and hearing to different stories it just seems like he had a gay experience, regret it and is now trying to take advantage of it.

  20. If he was not a goalkeeper he would be a captain on any team. A captain cares about people and that's what he do and he
    shows it.

  21. He’ll receive a large paycheck fairly soon, as big an a$$hole as the trainer was the hockey player was an adult and should have made decisions like an adult and pursued legal action immediately and not wait for another payout 11 years later, but it’ll ALWAYS be about the money, has a way of hushing people up

  22. Wow Respect Lehner !!! the Raw emotion you show and wearing your heart on your sleeve , That's right I wonder how Toews < Kane < the rest sleep at night knowing what they tried to cover up . I will never support the Blackhawk's , for those active still in the NHL that was involved should all be suspended from Hockey for life regardless of GM , Player , Coach all involved and strip their team name of the 2010 Cup

  23. As a Sharks fan, I automatically hate Vegas. But I’ve always loved their goaltenders. Just classy guys, all around..

  24. Love Panda. We have an empathic human as a goalie in the NHL. It is more than "OK." He is necessary, he is needed. Thank you for speaking up Panda. Thank you for keeping it real, and speaking the truth.

  25. If you have 100 people in an organization, and one of them is abhorrent. If the other 99 know the one is abhorrent and do nothing. You have 100 abhorrent people.

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