@New Jersey Devils

Lance Armstrong pissed off at pressconferanse

Sunday Times journalist Paul Kimmage getting a rough treatment by Lance Armstrong himself.


  1. Hey look..whatever…we all love our heroes…athletes..folks that push themselves to be better than us. So what if they do extra? That only makes us say" well, maybe if I did that I could be as great." And that's just not true. The truth is we all make mistakes..some intentional, some not…I know, I know…When you seek the fame and glory and stuff…maybe you sacrifice some of your personal and private lives. And if you compete against folks who are just like me and you…and you win….expect to be under the microscope. I don't know…all I am saying is maybe give a break once in a while~

  2. Whatever your opinion, it made for good TV and started a company that was able to save lives. What other cyclist or other sports person has done that.

  3. What did trigger lance to take doping? just like all the rest? he happend to be the best of al dopers say the WHOLE peloton in that time.but no he did it lets get him on fire.lo level not thinking bunch of childs all of you .this man had CANCER! ever bin in that situation yourself? lets go back to the Roots lets say society and the people arround you that formes every human from the moment even you were born .i call that a lie LOSERS this whole planet is controled by the wrong people ITS NOT ABOUT THE BIKE its all about the money

  4. All this crap after all these years over a 7 minute lead in the 1999 Tour de France. You'd think his roided, EPO oxygen chamber would have given him much lower of a time which goes to show, maybe the other cyclists were on the gear too.

  5. The reporter had it right, Lance is the cancer and should never be given the time of day after how he treated people. His entire career  and life is a lie. Fuckin' loser!

  6. Standing on the graves of those who died of cancer. Gotta love this guy's passion for lying. Really interesting psychological case study.

    As a Breaking Bad fan, it would be so Walter White style if Lance got cancer again soon and had some crazy final act to his life. Then again, I probably shouldn't wish death on someone just so I get an entertaining ending. Just shooting the breeze here anyway.

  7. Even after getting caught and admitting it all he still manages to turn it round to a feel sorry for me.

  8. Cancer: 'an evil or destructive practice or phenomenon that is hard to contain or eradicate.' Despite Armstrong taking offence at the language used, Kimmage was 100% correct by definition. However I would side with Armstrong here as it was a very poor choice of words considering the seriousness of the disease. One of the few times you will see Armstrong (who orchestrated the biggest doping program in sporting history) speaking with a bit of sincerity is during this attack.

  9. I think people underestimate how convincing and well-spoken Lance is. He had the worst end of that argument — was obviously lying — and made the guy look like a complete buffoon while responding to his question perfectly under the given scenario.

  10. His more then a liar , he’s hiding himself with his cancer and make anyone feel guilty with any accusations agains him using cancer excuses in the name of anyone that has cancer what a shame !!
    He challenged David Walsh for his book in a press conference, I quote : extraordinary allegations required extraordinary evidence …..puffff what an arrogant men . When you really thing the others are so stupid and you are the super hero , believe me live will get back to you one day

  11. You know what else touches everyone around the world? A hero spending his entire career sucking his own taint for illegally stolen glory. Enjoy your infamy, you piece of shit.

  12. Just sticking to his point about cancer, I lost a brother last year to cancer, we were both big cycling fans and have indeed been out to watch the Tour de France on occasions, climbing the col du madeleine, the tourmalet, the Iseran to name a few but what I would say to everyone as regards cancer is we should get over the lie about finding a cure, it is the cause that needs to be addressed. Its everywhere, in the food we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink. Not many people really want to face up to this, not least of all because of economic reasons and reasons of convenience, plastics, car emissions etc. We should stop all this nonsense of looking for a cure when the cause is right in front of us. Research the Cholera epidemic in Victorian London, nobody found a cure for it, the cure for it was simply to get at the cause which was a stagnant water well. There are other case studies like this. It is also written as much in the Bible, 'It is easier for the heavens and the earth to pass away, than for us to break one iota of the law'. This doesn't mean some nonsense new age karma, it is scientific in that there are repercussions to polluting and harming our world. The global economy must start beating to a different drum, one that is based on enhancing the planet and everyone that lives on it. Then we will see the new heaven and the new Earth, it is in everyones interest.

  13. comparing a cancer survivor to cancer is pretty fucked up. and YES i know that he doped and cheated, but this man has raised hundreds of millions of dollars to cancer research and went through this awful disease himself. So for this man to call him the cancer is just fucked up, and I can understand why Lance was so upset. Still, he is wrong for doping but come on man…

  14. Its the other way round. Armstrong took the bait and got the rough treatment by a very talented journalist.

  15. I don’t get with some ppl, ok he lied and he cheated his way to the top, but look at how much money he donated to the war on cancer??? Are they gonna give back that money now that ppl know he is a cheater? Fuck no

  16. Fast forward now this prick has egg and horse cum all over his face. Lance is an asshole. Cancer why did you give this prick a pass.

  17. Fuck Lance Armstrong.
    He's a pompous ass.
    He is a cheater and a cry baby..
    Most of all, he is completely irrelevant!

  18. Love the 10 year old comments here from his fans claiming he'd never cheat… Wish I saw their faces when the truth hit them

  19. Did Lance use Livestrong as a shield against criticism? This video is proof he did.

  20. Top comments here are so four years ago.. lance has more than every right to speak like this here under the circumstances. It's 2022 now, and look at ALL sports! At least this dude raised money for a very charitable cause.. like a serious shitload of money guys..

  21. Honestly lance just lifted his leg and took a ginormous piss all over that guys head.

  22. This is the same thing than Rafael Dopal is doing now, I hope the tennis doper will end like his idol Armstrong

  23. David Millar, caught with his hand in the Cookie Jar, he came out and admitted it, whilst Lance tried to cover all the bad he was doing with a cancer charity. Floyd didn't believe he did anything wrong, neither did he until all came tumbling down around him.
    Sickening to watch him Lie so well. Sad days indeed.

  24. Those days doping in cycling was like cocaine in Miami in the 80s….they were all doped just some got caught some didn't but cycling like bodybuilding or some other sports doping is illegal but normal for those Athletes that want to be SuperAthletes….that's all and for sure Lance was not a criminal like they frame him.

  25. Lance was 1000% right! even if he cheated, everyone did it, but after the plandemic we found out that there are two types of justice. The one only applied if you adversary makes a mistake, and the other to forget and forgive 'the circustamses' when one of themsels make the same mistake or even worse. That been said the plandemic has also proven what type of scum the mainstream media really is. Lance for life!

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