@Detroit Red Wings

Red Wings sign Nate Danielson to entry-level contract

Red Wings sign Nate Danielson to entry-level contract

by barchamb13


  1. Rfetters2

    He’ll still play junior and his ELC will just bump a year, this is just a formality I believe

  2. elvishblood_24

    give the kid some money to get his shit rollin propa

  3. WillingnessWooden826

    I didn’t think this would happen so soon since he has to play this year in Juniors

  4. McLargeHuge89

    He looked great in the 3v3. Excited for his future.

  5. Wakattack00

    Sorta surprising based on Stevie’s previous ELC decisions. It seems in the past he only signs guys to ELC when they are ready for GR at least. I’m happy for Nasty Nate getting his career going tho.

  6. zze0001

    Before anyone asks GR is not a possibility this year. At least until the end of his WHL season. Or technically if he made the nhl team got injured or scratched and they used GR as a conditioning stint for 2 weeks.

  7. BlakeDatAzzUp

    Watching him in the 3v3- I saw shades of Mackinnon. Not saying he will be a Mackinnon, but definitely like what I saw.

  8. coltron57

    H/T Prashanth on Twitter for pointing this out, but due to CBA wording, signing the ELC now makes it slide eligible for two years, but signing next year means it wouldn’t be slide eligible because of Danielson’s birthday. Interesting wrinkle.

  9. leafssuck69

    I think Stevie is really high on him, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was ranked 5th on his list

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