@Washington Capitals

Corey Crawford Leaves Game After Dylan Strome Bulldozes Him Into The Net

Corey Crawford would head to the dressing room after Dylan Strome crashed into him while trying to break up a rush.

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  1. Not saying Kane isn't at blame at all, but Kane did not intentionally push Strome into Crawford (Kane's arms did not extend as they entered the crease area). However, Kane made little-to-no effort to stop his own momentum as he and Strome entered the crease. I hope Crawford is alright, this is just one of those freak plays in hockey that is unfortunate and happens from time to time.

  2. Can you ad a few seconds to the video before the action so it can load into resolution that way we don't have to replay it right away because we miss the the action before our stuff is completely loaded.

  3. I know its the nature of of the internet, but all the people making stupid posts are pissing me off. It shouldn't really matter who caused the collision, who is a "bust", or how bad the blackhawks are this year. What does matters is the health of Corey Crawford.

    His last concussion really messed him up and its amazing he was able to come back the way he did. I pray that he is also able to come back from this injury, not only to play hockey, but just to be a normal functioning person.

  4. Crawford has got to be thinking about hanging them up, I’m sure he doesn’t want to but your mental health is important

  5. I'm an anti kane kinda guy. Kane isnt at fault here at all. Blaming him is wrong and you need to go back and watch again.

  6. Biggest mistake was hiring a guy cause of his last name. Have to get rid of Bowman! And end the baby coach experiment already!!!!!

  7. Corey, I'm praying for you. Please pay attention to your wife and doctors. God bless you, friend.

  8. Both are driving to the net hard, Strome tries to check Couture and completely misses, and that momentum carries him into Crawford. You can clearly see Kane turn his skates in order to stop, and he's leaning back when the collision happens so there is no physical way for him to push Strome.

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