@Dallas Stars

Tim Gleason vs Kris Letang, Patrick Eaves vs Miroslav Satan May 21, 2009

Tim Gleason vs Kris Letang and Patrick Eaves vs Miroslav Satan from the Carolina Hurricanes at Pittsburgh Penguins game on May 21, 2009.


  1. uhhh pretty sure gleason was fined 2500 for high-sticking, tryin' to hit him right in the teeth.
    sorry that your team resorts to fighting when they're frustrated with the ASS beating they get game after game….after game 🙂

  2. lol love seeing satan get in a fight, im notta big fan of pittsburgh but i like to see guys who arent fighters willing to duke it out in the palyoffs

  3. dont mess with miroslav he'll steal your soul you dont want Satan fighting you it could mean the end no j/k great player though

  4. we've already determined that. look at the other comments, smartass.
    nice screen name, too btw. pig.

  5. oh yeah im a pig, ha ha. My god, you cant tell my sn is a joke? oh well. Idc how stupid you are, and I really dont want to look through pages to find where you worked it out with someone else.

  6. it's LITERALLY 3 posts up, on the same reply thread. if your attention span can't handle that, then you probably need to get off the computer and get on some meds.

    aaaaanyway, hope you're watching this game, piggie 🙂

  7. right it was on the next page here, Maybe you should be on the meds. And anyways the Penguins just lost the cup for sure with Crosby touching the Prince of Wales trophie.

  8. wow. that was a GREAT comeback. use my line, then change the subject.
    ps-it's anywaY. not anyways.

  9. idc how great or not great it was, it wont make any difference on my day, and as long as the point got across who the hell cares how you spell words.

  10. hahahahahhahahaa what the fuck are you talking about?? arbitration??? are you serious you honestly dont have the slightest clue of what you are talking about. the fact the morrison and laich filled for salary arbitration over a year ago has absolutely nothing to do with the shittyness of the capitals. i dont think i have ever heard a dumber statement than the ones you have made. you truly are embarrassing russians everywhere with you stupidity and ignorance. you should be ashamed to talk hockey

  11. you fucking dumbass, every single team in the nhl has the same salary cap. teams like the redwings and penguins have the same salary cap as the capitals just a shit load of better players because their GM's arent fucking retarded enough to give a puck hog who cant play defense worth shit(ovechkin) $12 million dollars a year. the capitals will never win a eastern conference championship let alone a stanley cup with 8 on their roster

  12. As everybody know russian hockey players are best in the world!Two latest world championship finals win Russia 5-4 and 2-1!And Ovechkin much better than simulant-crosby!dumbass

  13. aww I'm sorry princess, I didn't mean to get your panties in a bunch, I was just exaggerating and having some fun.

  14. Odd is telling someone you don't know anything about that they need to get a life. Or maybe that's not odd, maybe that's just ignorant. Your comment certainly reeks of ignorance.

    Also, that phrase "panties in a bunch" I believe it existed before X-men movies did and I can be sure of that because I've never seen any of them.
    Is that all your primitive intuition will allow you to conclude? that if I mention an insult used in a movie I must be drawing on it? Maybe you need to get a life champ.

  15. Satan probably didn't have the year he wanted with the Penguins, but he stepped up in the playoffs and stuck up for his team, I give him props

  16. pay attention not one of those punches hit anywhere near his head. it was a scrap where no one took a punch.

  17. Satan was trying to drag him down to the ice at the end. Eaves has more strength that I gave him credit for.

  18. they are cheering because Satan started to beat the crap out of Eaves since Satan was benched the majority of the playoffs.

  19. @RockingItsShocking ice is slippery? you dont say… if that was the case wouldnt every player be falling due to the slippery ice…

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