@Anaheim Ducks

Why Track Athletes Are TERRIFIED Of Alana Reid..

Why Track Athletes Are TERRIFIED Of Alana Reid..

Welcome back to Athlete Summary. Today on the channel we’re going to be talking about Why Track Athletes Are TERRIFIED Of Alana Reid.. if you’re excited to learn more about this then make sure you watch the whole way through because you don’t want to miss the details we have for you!

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#AthleteSummary #trackandfield #shellyannfraserpryce


  1. This title is click bait and a misguided effort to gain viewers. I clicked on the video to criticize the title and will not bother to watch the video because of the bad title. Athletes do not fear another athlete. They relish the competition with the best which is why they compete in the first place, to be the best.

  2. This guy made too much mistakes in the video lol one is when he said Shelly wasn’t there she was there I saw videos of Shelly screaming/cheering 😆

  3. Remember Brayana Liston, these Athletes never most times continue to perform the same when they grow up.

  4. Congratulations to all the amazing young women, high school students at that. They have so many places to go people to meet children to inspire. Thank you for being athletes. As a child girls sports were not encouraged, I am glad things have changed for the girls!!

  5. Keep your eyes on the prize young athletes, eat right, and stay healthy. May God bless them all.

  6. Remember that after the massacre and dispersion of 70 AD, many went throughout the world including the island of Jamaica and the west lndies, as well as Malabar lndia…SO…
    Those black athletes have Jewish roots, even from the tribe of Judah. It's a fact.

  7. If they are terrified of Alana Reid I wonder how the feel about Shawnti Jackson (US) who is the same age as Reid and ran the 100m in 10.89

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