@Washington Capitals

The Cult of Hockey’s “Oilers win Connor Brown’s signature” podcast

Let’s do this! The Cult of Hockey podcast. By the Faithful and for the Faithful, tonight with Bruce McCurdy and David Staples. They dig into the Oilers signing Connor Brown, and four AHL/NHL tweeners.


  1. NHL players are operating like the rest of Canadians. Start in Toronto, end up in Alberta.

  2. Caps are controlled by GM’s, our current cap situation is directly the result Ken Holland. The full cost is not the free give away of Yamamoto and Kostin but also Dmitri Samorukov.

  3. Last full Season conner brown contributed 15 goals more to the opposite team than his own not exactly a defensive player.

  4. If we could sign Derek Grant for about 1m as the 4th center that would be fantastic. But I like what Holland has done thus far. Connor Brown should be an upgrade on Yamo, and I like the depth AHL signings. Hoefenmeyer has good sleeper potential — nice mix of PIMs and points last season.

  5. Campbell is a skittish cat. I don't think it's time to wait and see on anyone. If they could dump him and pay something to accomplish it, they needed to have done it. There are a lot of goalies floating around right now. You can't afford the chance (likely at this point) that a 5 million dollar deal weight is on your books when the danged legacy of Connor and Leon is on the line.

  6. Kostin is going to be in Tuff playing in the East as he will now have to fight; Maroon, Lucic,Reaves,and Wilson, and wifi, On a regular basis. He might get some wear on his face.

  7. Sorry, last comment, Michael Mcleod was your wish list? Where is your hockey mind Bruce? Unreal

  8. Going to toss a crazy idea out there. Would you guys trade Campbell and Bouch for Karlsson?

  9. I’m quite happy with the Bakersfield LD. They just need another RD. I think a guy like Brady Lyle would fit the bill nicely.

    At center, Bjugstad us a tough loss. I wonder if Oskar Sundqvist might be a reasonable alternative?

    Finally, I wonder if Phil Kessel could be had on the cheap. I’d rather Kessel on the top 6 and reserve Brown for the middle six and special teams…

  10. This is hollands big move?
    We would be lucky to even win 6 playoff games this next season.

    We've gotten worse lmao

  11. Mr. Staples, I sure hope you're right about the Oilers adopting a new zone defense next year!!! 😊

  12. team has to be 10 folds better then last season , better goal tending , better defense ! continued scoring ! a healthy Kane !! should be great year.

  13. What a great podcast! I love the sound of Brown's hockey IQ, work ethic, and defensive acumen. Other players will be inspired to fill Kostin's role as an enforcer to protect Brown's knee. I think next year is going to be awesome.

  14. We have the Tom Brady/Tiger Woods of hockey in McDavid. Time to take a page from the New England Patriots book. We need a cup!

  15. Has anyone been watching the young guns coming up to Bakersfield? Matvey Petrov, who cam from North Bay Battalion, seems to be a good fit. I watched him over the last couple years in NB and he was always in the top 10 in OHL points.

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