@Buffalo Sabres

TIL that Wayne Gretzky grew up a Sabres fan

Pretty cool bit of information in my opinion

by The_Lord_Stanley


  1. Son_Of_The_Empire

    I too wish Gretzky would have been in a Sabres jersey

  2. He’s serious. You don’t know some of those names unless you were a real fan in that era. And he’s right. Gil Perrauelt would survey the ice from behind his own goal and take it either end to end or stop at their blue line. On an unrelated note Gretzky and I have the exact same birthday. That’s *all*we have in common.

  3. DennisSystemofADown

    Also ironic about the finesse part considering the 91-92 year and that Sabres era in general.

  4. deltreet

    I heard the draft was fixed for him too. /s

  5. Rated_PG-Squirteen

    “He was way better than I was.”

    This is how you know it’s a real Gretzky quote.


  6. Wow, I didn’t know that, but that’s awesome.

  7. StartButtonPress

    When I lived in Michigan, I drove through Brantford on the way to Buffalo many times. Stopped at the Timmy’s on Wayne Gretzky Boulevard

  8. Gordsturner

    If you go to hockey hall of fame, they have the scoresheet where Gretzky broke the single season goal record. It was against the Sabres, and Perreault had a hat trick !

  9. scandrews187

    This is beautiful because I can relate 100%. I was born in 1970 and remember being really into the Sabres and Gilbert Perreault by the time I was 7 years old. Bedtime was early but I had a radio on my nightstand and would listen to Rick call the games on AM radio. Every night they played I clamored for game time so I could lay there and listen to Rick weave his vocal magic. I remember listening to them beat the Leafs 14-4 and the next morning the radio station played all the audio clips from all the goal calls strung together every few minutes while I was getting ready for school. And, although I never became famous or went to the NHL, I was the star of my basement using metal clip-on roller skates and a box tilted on its side for a net. This, pick up games on the pond across the street and public skates whenever they had them was what taught me how to skate. Every now and then I would body check the furnace or hit it with the ball and get yelled at for making a racket.
    I also remember watching Ted Darling and Ed Kilgore on TV before bedtime. I wouldn’t trade my childhood for anything. Great area to grow up in

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