@Pittsburgh Penguins

Tristan Jarry Is Healthy And Ready For The Season

On this episode of Penguins To Go, Nick discusses Pittsburgh Penguins goaltender Tristan Jarry’s comments about his injury last season. Tune In!

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  1. I'm NOT thrilled with the signing of Jarry by any means. But, as with the rest of the team as well, time will tell. I'll hope for the best at this point………..Been a Pens fan for 35 years and will always be!

  2. maybe needs game off every two or three games so injury not come back or aggravate, at least at start of season until build up hip strength?

  3. Based on him saying that he was really focused on staying with the pens, it would have been great to see him more like $4.5MX4. The Carolina signings are better value. But its done now so i am hopeful they move out Desmith. How does a chronic hip injury get better? or was it a scenario where jarry got hurt in pre season and the FO had no back up plan? Why not play desmith more?

  4. I would've been ok with ~5 Mil at just 3 years, it's a bit of a gamble, but as you mentioned Jarry only has 1 full Playoff series under his belt. hope he really is at 100% for 2023-24 though.

  5. I've heard so much talk about "the Core" (even MORE than I heard "the Corps" in the Service, LOL!!) That I'm just waiting for the season to get going and we see what kind of team we REALLY have. I'm a die-hard Penguins fan, I have been since the early seventies, so I'll be Thankful we still have the team in Pittsburgh to root for them, and hopefully we'll have a good year and be competitive and entertaining and we can all have some fun and enjoy our Pittsburgh Penguins.

  6. Who else could've they gotten this past free agency? Or even in a sacrificial lamb offering to the hockey gods of elite goaltenders?

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