@Chicago Blackhawks

Look, We Need To Talk… (BIG Announcement)

Hello Guys Welcome Back! I’m Nathan, and Today I’m Discussing Some BIG Channel News & Career Announcements… Thank you #GravGang for everything, going back to full-time on the channel might be a little scary, but I love y’all so much. The future is bright.

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Connect on Twitter: @NathanGraviteh

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If you don’t know me already, I’m Grav, I’m a young Hockey fan, and I use that to advantage to make the best Hockey Videos I possibly can.
This Youtube Community is ever growing and expanding, and I Thank you All for being apart of the best Community on Youtube!

Thank you all for Watching, you all are what makes this whole process so special! #RoadTo70kSubs #NHL #Hockey

Danny Palladini
Matthew Dube
Craig Skiff
Hockey Highlights
James Amodei
Ken Connelly
Rob Monkey
Nicolas Lefebvre
phillip bridgeman
Michel Richer
Alex Levesque
Keith Zielinski
Hockey,arcade and coins!!!
mike martinez
Lachlan Hall


  1. Thank you all so much for everything! Sportsnet was a wild ride, but we're back here full-time on the channel to give you ALL the content you need #GravGang! Love you all so much, and thank you for ALL the support you've given me to make my dream become reality every single day. 🙂 Subscribe if you're new, AND LETS RIDE.

  2. Perhaps now that Steve Dangle is no longer working for Sportsnet, you could bring over Grav’s Gaffes and whatever the baseball equivalent of Steve’s Hat Picks is (I forget the name) to the NHL?

  3. Well Grav, I appreciate your humility, but I think your're also entitled to take a lot of credit. You make it very easy for hockey fans to root for you. Can't wait to see your coverage of the upcoming draft. Keep up the good work !!

  4. You're better then Sportsnet Grav. All they are good for is shilling betting and the Leafs. I miss TSN

  5. And here I thought that Grav would be announcing that he's no longer a Dallas fan! 😉 LOL.

    I also considered that Grav might take over the Hat-picks and Dang-Its, though no one could really replace Steve with his over-the-top personality…

  6. So this is your full-time job really?? You still live at home with your parents I bet in the basement right?? Maybe go some place and get a real job move out of the basement. So many of you guys just make videos that are nothing but made up stuff like trade Rumors no one cares about rumors we want facts.

  7. Always appreciated your hockey takes. All of us here watching, we will always support you in any way possible. You worked so hard to get where you’re at, never let ANYONE take that from you my friend. Good luck in your future endeavours! I’ll be waiting for the next vid! 💯

  8. You’re obvi v awesome at this pal. But what’s the deal, you and Dangle call it quits same week?? Did y’all not get your contract renewed or some weird corpo bs like that??

  9. As a guy who watches a lot of sports, I think your a far better commentator, than
    any of these guys I see on Sportsnet. I guess I see the Canadian feed, and it's the
    same old guy that's been there 30 years, and people are sick of him in my City. You
    bring a lot of youthful energy and excitement into your commentary, and I always
    listen to your Videos. The only thing you do not have going for you, is you look very
    young, like about 22- 24 years old, and a lot of people don't take you seriously, coz
    likely you haven't played Pro hockey like these commentators on Sportsnet. I would
    say keep building your channel and your name, and "you bet" they will come knocking
    on your door. Right now, you sort of look like a young kid, with a baseball cap on
    backwards, so I think as you mature and develop your craft, you'll be fantastic. If I
    owned a broadcasting station, I'd likely hire you — but you may need a little maturity
    that will come with age. You gotta pay your dues, so keep pounding the skins and
    make it happen for yourself, as you know, you have to earn everything in life. Good
    luck to you my friend — I'll be watching from Canada. Sportsnet is hated in my City,
    as we all like TSN, up here, which is like ESPN in the US I believe. Keep it coming !!!

  10. We love you Grav Thank you for everything you do each season day in and day out!! 🤘🤘

  11. Grow your channel brother, I’m the same age as Shannon and follow THG,but also follow you because I like a knowledgeable young point of view ! Hang tough Grav.

  12. Where I come from you you wanna thank someone you invite them over for a BBQ.. 😂

  13. Hey Grav sorry that opportunity with Sportsnet has been lost, but it always is a feather in your cap. My father taught me early on that when there is a depression in work, you train yourself and work hard to put yourself in a better place… be that training, find yourself a different opportunity or just focus on yourself… there will always be an uptick and when you are bettering yourself you will be better positioned… create your different plateaus and grow from them… to this day I abide from this rule… you're so young and you've already set a strong skillset… constantly grow and drive yourself. It's all you can do… you are you and always be the best you ❤… this is coming from a 50+ year old fan… go Canucks

  14. Achieving affordable income is a start on Youtube, but always remember plan ahead, because you will never know if one day Youtube disappears. Here in Canada its crazy enough to afford any house on your own let alone some Twitch Streamers in Toronto have it way rough than me. Alongside editing videos and such i don't have time for that, (i'm going all out type of streamer). Human makes errors so i'm okay with learning from my mistakes, but dam i keep talking way too fast.

  15. Bruh, I’m soo envious of you. I think what you do is awesome and you’re really good at it. I wish I could do the same. I LOVE hockey and the Habs. I wouldn’t even know how to start a YouTube channel. Anyway, props!! Habs4Life

  16. Found you recently, love the videos in general and as an added bonus I always love to find fellow Stars fans. It is so hard to find good coverage of the Stars. All too often the coverage I do hear is shallow. Usually so obvious people have not actually been watching games.

    Keep up all the good work. I am really enjoying it.

  17. Great commentator…absolutely should be hired on as major professional …keep going on your dream.

  18. You got laid? Seriously don't give up your dreams. But announcers are hiring guns. You don't always get to broadcast your team.

  19. Man I can’t tell you how hard it is to find good hockey videos and yours all always top notch! Your amazing buddy!

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