@Washington Capitals

Instant REACTION to Bruins BIG Trade for Dmitry Orlov and Garnet Hathaway | Poke the Bear

Conor Ryan of and Evan Marinofsky of New England Hockey Journal discuss the big trade the Bruins made on Thursday. They debate where in the lineup Dmitry Orlov and Garnet Hathaway will fit, how much better it makes the Bruins and did the Bruins win the trade?

Poke The Bear with Conor Ryan Ep. 135


0:00 – Bruins make a huge trade

4:00 – Bruins didn’t have to give up a lot

6:03 – Where does Orlov fit?

10:30 – Don’t sweat the first-round pick

11:36 – Don Sweeney strikes again

13:22 – Sweeney’s trade deadline history

18:00 – How much better does this make the Bruins?
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  1. How do you feel about the trade? Let us know in the comments! Also make sure to like and subscribe to support the CLNS Media Network!

  2. Strengthen the depth for the playoffs while keeping Lysell and Lohrei seems like a no brainier. That the 1st round pick they're giving is going to be a low one makes that easier to swallow. And getting rid of Smith and his contract is addition by subtraction.

  3. Really appreciate the in depth analysis with the trade compared to other YouTubers just giving out basic aspects of the deal. Well done on the fly. Love the trade. Lfg bruins

  4. Seems like a very good trade for a deep playoff push. Provides some excellent depth, transition and physical play (to hopefully wear down opposing teams during a series).

  5. Take care of them, boys. You're going to love them both. Make no mistake: Orlov and Niskanen was the defensive pair that won the Capitals the 2018 Stanley Cup. Hathaway's a total buzzsaw. Perfect guys for the Bruins. You couldn't ask for better big time players in the playoffs. Also, you mentioned you needed additional "Snarl." Orlov's nickname in the locker room is literally "Snarls." Just thought that was cool.

  6. Frank Serevalli at Daily Faceoff introduced Orlov to his trade list today at #6, saying best D available. Hell of a get for the Bs.

  7. Moving forbert or cliffy to the 7th d makes no sense, especially in the playoffs. Forbert is one of thier main penalty killers with carlo. And cliffy and fobert lead the team in blocks with cliffy leading in hits. Gryz on the other hand is only a "puck mover" he coughs it up in his own zone constantly when pressured, never hits anyone (on purpose) doesnt block shots, has no offense, doesnt play on pk or pp. Keep hearing about his +/- being good, but everyone has a good +/- this year. Put orlov on 1st pair and leave other parings as is. Orlov is a good puck mover so that wont drop off any.

  8. milbury is right…………trade sway………..hes not a big game player……… him only if you can get a proven scorer

  9. Orlov is the 3rd best D on the team now behind McAvoy & Lindholm. He fits the scheme well. He’s a bit snarly. Amazing get for Sweeney. Not likely they can afford to sign/extend him at $5M plus. Hathaway: If he works out, I bet Sweeney does try to sign/extend him. He looks like the perfect fit at L4 RW for this team for the next few years. Another great move by Sweeney. Everybody’s shocked.

  10. This is a huge get for the Bruins. These two players will really help the Bruins moving forward in the playoffs.

  11. i could not sleep last night. this trade, however, reminds me of my younger bruin fandom when the Bs got a Chris Nilan from Montreal. Nilan had knocked out several of Rick Middleton's teeth with a butt end. thats the first thing i thought when i saw this trade.

  12. The Bruins got a hitter and toughness. The trade is the reason I don't buy into all the trade rumors. They never pan out. I never saw this trade happening.

  13. If the B's stay healthy they have a chance to rest up the Defense the last couple of weeks rotating guys in and out of the line up. A rested healthy D would be huge.
    Having Hathaway on the 4th line is awesome adding a lot of playoff grit

  14. Sweeney has done it again! The Bruins are bigger stronger tougher and nastier. Evan one more trade is coming! Thank you Sweeney!

  15. A special thanks to the Minnesota wild for there part of taking on 25% of cap, grabbing a 5th round pick and trading the rights to 2017 6th ed draft pick shevlakov who's playing center in the khl this yr

  16. Sweeney has been shit on for years by the fans even though he has put out a cup contending team every year. The fans blamed Sweeney for not getting over the hump of Tampa or any other team that has knocked the bs out but no one noticed that the players Sweeney assembled have been consistently good enough to get a cup every year. The issue was not Sweeney it was Cassidy. Cassidy didn't know how to get the best out of the players he had. He always made the top line the only line that teams had to stop to beat them. U can't win a cup if u have one line. Jim has done what Cassidy wasn't able to so far and that is assemble a lineup that is dominant on all their lines. Switching up the lines and spreading the talent up and down the line. Cassidy never did that. The same team last year wasn't anywhere near this year's success. Yet the only big change was the coach. Cassidy was the problem. I just hope Jim can continue with this success in the playoffs. But if Cassidy could have done what Jim has done so far I'm thinking the bs could have had at least 3 more cups but this is all my opinion

  17. Honestly, that late first rounder and the rest of those draft picks aren't exactly high valued draft picks in the grand scheme of things. You take a chance on a guy who might be Trent Frederic. But why try for someone who might become a Clifton or Frederic when you already have those guys on your team? Granted, they might possibly find a late first round gem like they did Pastrnak, but that doesn't happen too often.

    And just think about all the depth they have now. We hockey fans know how tough the playoffs are and how many players get injured. Adding these two guys on top of their talent also allows you to have even more depth with the guys they already have on the team. I think a super late first round pick and 3 mid draft picks a few years from now is a decent price to pay for that talent and the depth they allow the Bruins to enter the playoffs with.

  18. Bruins are the biggest choking franchise in NHL. This too will backfire and they will win nothing.

  19. No more having to worry the entire game about a Bruin getting injured by Hathaway haha. Orlov is a solid addition. Bruins fans will love these two guys but give them some time to get used to the system and having to move. It’s a perfect fit. I can see the Bruins signing Hathaway if the price is right and they have the space after signing Pasta.

  20. Not sure what to think about the trade with the Caps. Don't see Hathaway fitting in on the team with his past incidents playing the Bruins. Would rather the Bruins make a deal with Arizona or a team outside the Eastern Conference. However, both Orlov and Hathaway are talented players.

  21. Such a great trade.. Hathaway gives you the grit and physicality the bottom six has been missing, and Orlov is a top-4 defenseman and hopefully pairs with Mac.. I’m excited!

  22. As long as the Bruins sign pasta to a long term deal I’m happy with these moves

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