@Vancouver Canucks

Don’t sleep on Matt Irwin as an important addition to the Vancouver Canucks’ roster

“Of all those PKers who killed 50 or more minutes of penalties in 2022/23, Irwin’s PPGA/60 was the lowest rate of any of them. Not just Washington Capitals, not just 34-and-up, not just guys named ‘Matt.’ The lowest of any regular PKer, period.”

by AAfreakinRON


  1. SnipeandCelly24

    Brentwood Bay’s own baby! Really happy to see Matt get to come home for what, let’s be honest, is likely his swan song. He’s come a long way from Worcester let me tell you, and every player in that dressing room is going to be happy to have a guy like that in there.

  2. metrichustle

    These additions are underrated because it will improve the worst aspect of our team last year: PK. There were a lot of games where we just gave it away because of the PK. In fact, I am convinced we could have made the playoffs had we fixed our PK earlier. Irwin will be great for this.

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