@Colorado Avalanche

Most Electrifying Goals of the 2022 Stanley Cup Playoffs

These are the most electrifying goals of the 2022 Stanley Cup Playoffs. Congratulations to the Colorado Avalanche, what a terrific run!


  1. Not one person at any bar in downtown Denver knew wtf had just happened when Kadri scored that OT winner on Vasilevskiy. Then the camera cut to show him celebrating and everyone went berserk lol.

  2. Dont wanna be that guy but how is Kucherovā€™s ridiculous assist to Colton for the game winner with 2 seconds left in the 3rd period not on here.

  3. That 1st mcdavid goal has gotta be one of the worst "highlight real goals" I've ever seen, He gets 3 shots on goal in 10 seconds 2 of which off of his own rebound both of which virtually uncontested and he scores and everyone's calling it a highlight, that's not a highlight real goal that's a highlight real how did you fuck up this bad in the playoffs

  4. The announcer at 9:40 did not do this play justice. You could feel how electric the building was after this went in just minutes after the tying goal. Iā€™m not saying heā€™s bad, just saying that this play was huge.

  5. i keep forgetting the avs won cuz it was the most irrelevant cup run ive seen since the blackhawks tainted cups

  6. Durzi whining the ref as play goes on is still as funny as it was when it happened. Mental midget.

  7. Being an oilers fan during the first two rounds of this playoffs was insane, I never got to go inside the arena because of ticket prices but being outside with that crowd was crazy. Iā€™ve never hugged so many strangers

  8. Rangers did not deserve to win against the pens at all, severely outplayed all series, Pittsburgh playing their third string goalie until game 7, and even then Jarry wasn't 100 percent. It took Trouba headshotting Crosby in game 5 and him also being out in game 6 for them to comeback as well. Just not deserving at all, this year they'll get smoked by the Devils tho

  9. My heart still breaks for Jake Oettinger on that Gm 7 Gaudreau goal. That was the only way they were gonna beat him that night. Its probably the greatest single game performance in a losing effort I'll ever see. He was a wall that night.

  10. Would've been perfect if that Mackinnon hat trick ended the series, but oh well. The game 6 winning goal was spectacular. When they came into the zone I thought, "There's enough time, they could score." Then the cross ice pass happened and time slowed down.

  11. the fact that you dont have darren helms series winner against the blues is a joke. ask any avs fan that knows anything and they will tell you that was the biggest goal of that run.

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