@National Hockey League

My most cherished picture. Story in the comments.

My most cherished picture. Story in the comments.

by No-Material-23


  1. No-Material-23

    Back in 2011 I was fortunate enough to be given the honor of dropping the puck in Ottawa as they hosted Montreal. Our daughter Sarah had passed away 10 months prior from a genetic illness, Sanfilippo Syndrome, at the age of 13. I’m holding my son Mathew who would pass away from the same illness in 2021 at the age of 12. The girl dropping the puck is Gabrielle, she is not related to me, but her brother passed away 4 months prior to this night.

    This was the Roger Neilson House telethon night. Roger Neilson House is a place that offers support and care for families with terminally ill children here in Ottawa.

    We were escorted to an area behind the locker rooms just prior to going on the ice. Carey price was stretching out on the floor about 15 feet away from us, my son walked over to him, and Carey gave his hair a tussle. Sparta Cat took us to center ice, and there we were introduced to the crowd as we waited for the captains to show up. When Brian Gionta greeted us he didn’t just say hi when he shook our hands. He mentioned us each by our names as he greeted us. 

    To this day I don’t know if he simply remembered our names as the public announcer said them, or if someone in the Montreal organization told him beforehand. Either way that was a classy gesture by a visiting team, and something I will remember forever.

    Another thing that struck me was the acoustics at center ice. During the quiet moment before the start of the nation anthem, I could pinpoint any cough or whistle coming from the crowd.

    After the puck drop we watched the game from the owners box, and we were treated like royalty, but what I remember most was Gionta greeting us each by name as he shook our hands.

  2. Balls_Legend

    Precious memories. God’s love to you and your family. I know your pain, and know what things like this mean to those of us who’ve suffered the loss of a child.

    Thank you for posting!

  3. gobbledegook_

    Cheo and specifically RNH are such special places. I worked there for 5 years and the people working at RNH are truly special.

    Classy story all around by the NHL, the Sens, the Habs.

    I’m sorry for your losses and hope you find healing. May their memories be a blessing.

  4. Aussie_Hab

    Very sorry to hear of your losses. I can’t even imagine. Much strength to you.

    I recently bought a Habs Gionta jersey and am very glad to hear he is a good person (or at least made a small effort on this night)

  5. AppearanceKey2170

    Gionta smiling like a Cheshire cat!

  6. rullarzutt

    Fuck man, I’m so sorry for your losses. What a great story though ❤️❤️

  7. Suspicious-Drama-549

    First I want to thank you for sharing your story. Life is bigger than hockey and I love when teams come together for what’s really important. I was just wondering why was Phillips taking the face off? Was Alfie injured or something?

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