@St. Louis Blues

Goldberg career ending kick😱💥 #goldberg #shorts


  1. I can’t figure out why Hart continues to trash Bill. What was he supposed to do, sneeze on him? Hart even got his hands up. This seems like a pure accident in every possible way and I don’t see how Goldberg was wreckless. Maybe that’s an unpopular opinion but I have not seen the evidence to suggest otherwise.

  2. But Everything is scripted and the kick was fake his opponent even block the kick withbhis hands

  3. We all know Goldbergs is not the best technical wrestler, but Brett should know there will always be dangers when wrestling him

  4. His kick didn’t even land all that hard and Bret’s hand was blocking it … like seriously wtf. I think the beef was fake

  5. Holy hell you could see the liquid flying off his hair when he gets hit… even tried to block at the last minute which wrestlers never do

  6. Chris Jericho, DDP and Sting all confirmed what Bret said. Goldberg was an unsafe guy and didnt even learned the basics, he nearly killed Undertaker. Goldberg is the most overrated guy in wrestling.

  7. la chose que vous voyez pas ,la chose que ne vous pas ces la prise en 4 manquer dans les corde a cause que goldberg lache le pied de bret et celui sy tombe sur la tete et ébranlé par la suite goldberg le lache pas

  8. To be fair, the video shows Bret's hand going up to block the kick. Unfortunately, the combination of Goldberg's misplaced kick and Bret's inability to block it, contributed to Bret's career-ending injury.

  9. No way that weak ass kick ended his career . Bret had to have been having concussion like symptoms way before the match.

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