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NFL Horrified Over Raiders Jon Gruden Email! Yet Segregating Fans With Black National Anthem?!

NFL Horrified Over Raiders Jon Gruden Email! Yet Segregating Fans With Black National Anthem?!


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  2. Black people need to stop trying to play the victim card it don't fit you be yourself remember you guys like creating victims you victimize your own kind everyday but want to call out A different race about a statement that was made over 11 years ago! 😂🤣😂🤔🤔👍👍

  3. YT people never learn… they keep getting caught saying and doing racist BS, knowing it will go viral, what a bunch of dummies 😂😂😂

  4. Just keep raosting Chuckie's ass long enough for him to be distracted for the Bears this weekend. I still have a little hope for this season.

  5. All u losers need to get over yourselves. This was back in 2011 & nobody who really matters gives a fuck! It’s obvious the man isn’t racist cause he works with people of color for his entire career. This was something between him and a particular person and isn’t anyone else’s freaking business

  6. AMERICA has become the land of the OFFENDED.
    Never thought I would see Jim Crow laws being used in America again, disguised as a pandemic. 🙏🇺🇸

  7. What is racist is coddling one group more over another and feeding into their privilage. Thats not to say all members of said group want this special treatment. Those special interest groups and media hacks can talk about equality until they are blue in the face but it will never happen because of these shenanigans in society. They feed it and instigate it.

  8. The NFL will make sure Gruden is fired, no way they will allow him to keep coaching in the middle of their wokeness virtue signaling.

  9. This whole thing stupid. The whole thing really bothers me. The context of the statement was he felt the players were being lead down a bad by NFL PA. He sticking up for the players because he felt as if the players association was leading the players down a bad path. I think he was right.

  10. The NFL is the USSR, spying on people , reading people’s mail, publishing propaganda, just need a gulag to send them to.

  11. Who in the hell is digging through ten year old emails? Something happened in 2008 to send race baiting to the moon. I wonder what that was, hmmmh. We haven't had a moment's peace since a half-black cross dresser was installed in the casa blanco.

  12. That's going to take a long time to get through the Black, Asian, Latino, Indian, Native American, etc national anthems. Wait, what? That's not a thing? Isn't that systemically racist then? Judging those by the color of their skin in 2021? Geez, and the whole time I thought America was a melting pot of multiple ethnicities and cultures with millions of bi-racial, mixed ethnicities, adopted cultures, people adopted into families of other ethnicities, family, friends and acquaintances of multiple ethnicities from every race, color, creed, gender, and political affiliation, athletics with teammates from every background amateur or professional, people of all colors idolized or celebrated for their craft from fashion to entertainment, etc.

  13. Who ever pulled up that old a$$ email should show their face and explain why they did it and who paid them off,
    I know it's deeper than money because their playing with peoples lively hood at this point! The media is garbage!


  14. So funny, and true, mentioning Meyer's situation.
    It’s sure hard out there for a Caucasian toned high profile professional league sports coach or manager.

  15. The worlds vagina needs a giant tampon so it'll stop bleeding all over everything….

  16. I haven’t watched NFL since the kneeling good riddance NFL. I’ll rather college football and golf it’s more entertaining!

  17. Take our values seriously!!?! Are they joking?!?! National Felon League is a real culture that’s going to kill their own league, can’t wait to watch the madness unfold 😂

  18. Urban maybe not top of news, but here in Columbus, where the grind toke place in bar He Owns, a local company TV commercial Doesn't have him & wife in it now!!!

  19. Yet every one of yall will watch all the NFL games this season. And will buy jerseys, hats, and everything else.
    Why would they change their anti-white crap when they have all of you by the nads?
    You'll never catch me watching any sport other than the UFC.

  20. If you go after him , you need to go to Hollywood and remove the people that did black face back in a day. This is totally ridiculous but expected from a bunch of no brain fools.

  21. This proves to me that I made the right decision to stop watch their games, including the NBA, guess La China got the word to shut his fucking mouth. Haven't heard anything he's said against the police force, he doesn't have a clue what he's saying he's just like Biden. Biden needs to be removed from office.

  22. The Black National Anthem is farce, get us another commissioner, hopefully Payton will restore the league back to what it was before all bullshit, or he will fail too! Maybe we shouldn't have a commissioner over the league, maybe we should put them under the president of the United States (God help us, if that happens).

  23. Watch the MLB responds to future complaints about the name WHITE Sox being racist, but BLACK Sox is not at all racist. SMH

  24. It is ridiculous to attack him over this. Now his shitty draft picks and horrible coaching should be questioned. He is NOT turning the Raiders around and I hate to say it but his outdated coaching style won't win in the NFL. He should be fired for the Bears loss. Not a 10 year old Comment.

  25. People need to be careful saying racial slurs or talking trash to the lgbtq community these days no matter if it's was years decades or recently because it can bite you on the ass later on life 🤨

  26. i havent read the emails. where they innocent comments that were taken out of context? if so, give the guy a break. now, if the comments were bad and this man had power to effect the lives of people he made comments about, then it is not a good thing. white mem might not agree, but they are not expected to. so whay was in the emails?

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