@Philadelphia Flyers

From Career Year To Waivers – The Tony DeAngelo Story

After scoring a career-high 53P in just 68 games during the recent 2019/20 NHL season, New York Rangers defenceman Tony DeAngelo was rewarded with a two year, $9.6 million contract this past offseason. However, less than a month into the current 20/21 season, the American blue-liner has found himself of New York’s taxi squad as the team looks to trade him elsewhere in the league!

So that begs the question? What’s happened between DeAngelo and the Rangers? Why has there been such a disconnect between the player and the organisation? Well thanks to a physical altercation in the locker room and a history of poor behaviour, the former first round pick have watched his once-promising NHL career disappear before his very eyes…

This is the story of Tony DeAngelo: from Career Year to Waivers!

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  1. Download the 'DraftKings' app now and use promo code 'THPN' for a chance to win MILLIONS of dollars in total prizes!

  2. I know this comment will be interesting…

    If he was a black player in any other league or sport…NONE of this would of come to light.
    Imagine the shit he would take on a daily basis because of his support for Trump and conservative american values…
    Furthermore…just look at all his white privilege!!!…lololol.
    They canceled this dude.
    Welcome to the world of Identity politics and enforcement of critical race theory!!!…
    This is the "Being white" tax that all white men will experience on a daily basis.
    Dont agree?
    Prove me wrong…

  3. When you are a Trump supporter you get cancelled… this is why I dont care for sport anymore.

  4. You left out the incident of him at a young lady I’m not gonna give you any details of it but there’s people out there who know far more than I do about a young woman that he either had a date with or was dating with and ended up calling the team with outrageous accusation

  5. Sounds like a typical Trump voter. He can do and support whomever he wants, but he will be judged. Trump is trash and so is D'Angelo. Not surprised

  6. The guy is the way he is if an nhl team can’t seem to figure out how to use him seems like it’s a league problem he shouldn’t have to put up with other players garbage

  7. He is playing the wrong position. Not man enough for playing defence. He can't cope with that pressure. A spoilt brat from some Philly made up bullshit. This is NHL, not the back of butcherstore. Talented player, but not enough of good people surrounding him.

  8. When NYR front office told DeAngelo to "watch his tone" on social media, he then started his own podcast that he titled "Watch Your Tone" and he often got into twitter fights with fans, even challenging one to fight him outside of MSG. he was so toxic that even when he cleared waivers he was told not to report to Hartford. He was also terrible in his own zone even during his "career year." the guy was a cancer in the locker room and once he was gone the Rangers improved and saw to the emergence Adam Fox since Deangelo's minutes went to Fox who went on to have a tremendous year. I hated it when we picked him up, didn't like him while he was here and I am glad that they finally cut ties with him.

  9. How daft can someone be. If you don't have brain cells to act right, stay silent and be professional atleast.

  10. Some dudes really are their own worst enemy.
    Do your job, keep your nose relatively clean, collect your millions of dollars. It shouldn't be that hard.

  11. Chris Drury would have no part of Tony he should have been fighting opposing players not his team mates and play the game

  12. Chris Drury would have no part of Tony he should have been fighting opposing players not his team mates and play the game

  13. I don’t know about the K’Andre Miller stuff because K’Andre still follows Tony DeAngelo on Instagram to this day, why would he still follow Tony if that had happened.

  14. If those "tweets" were the worst things he did on social media, it just makes me sad you could use them to say he's a horrible person. Welcome to 2021. Sigh.

  15. It seems like he himself is his own biggest enemy, but the political correctness professed by the League and clubs' authorities is not helping him either.

  16. Rangers fan here. Deangelo is thriving in Carolina now. It's 100% obvious the attacks on his character are because he supports Trump. That's why Gorton and JD are golfing now instead of running the Rangers. Because of boneheaded decisions like getting rid of Deangelo and getting nothing in return.

  17. 31 points in 30 games so far with Carolina, tap dancing on his grave might've been a bit premature.

  18. To the narrator, he’s worked out very well for Carolina! This was very one sided. He’s a better sportsman than several of the current NY Rangers

  19. Loved watching D'Angelo lose to the Rangers. A Rangers Fan, I don't care how far we get at this point. D'Angelo was our Stanley Cup

  20. TD was a vocal supporter of President Trump. Could explain the magnifying glass on him.

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