@National Hockey League

Did Maccelli go under the radar due to playing in Arizona?

Did Maccelli go under the radar due to playing in Arizona?

by No-ConspiracyTheory


  1. Double_Reward230

    YEEP! He should have been a ROY nominee

  2. Dz4ck13

    No one can convince me Matty Beniers isn’t actually at least 31.

  3. Vic_Hedges

    Not about playing in Arizona. About playing for a team that didn’t matter competitively. I heard almost nothing about McTavish and Johnson during the season either

    If you’re playing for a low tier team who isn’t a huge market, you need to be Amazing to get noticed

  4. Atavistic_Scallion

    Good year for rookies whose first names start with “Ma.”

  5. booksmctrappin

    Yup. Look no further than the most underrated player in the NHL he plays with, Clayton Keller, for proof.

  6. BigGuyNorthSide

    How was Beniers a rookie this season when he played 10 games the season before?

  7. dollarBillz007

    Yea I don’t think I ever heard of him

  8. palpytus

    I never even heard of the last guy until about 2 weeks ago. I remember hearing about Maccelli mid season but it was something about how his point pace was unsustainable or was only bc the Yotes had no one else to play. if he was playing in a more high profile franchise he def would’ve gotten some air time

  9. Rockhardwood

    The guys voted over him, you weren’t voting on points.

  10. CitizenNaab

    Absolutely. He was very good for the Yotes all season long

  11. AZIL2015

    Kid also missed 18gms this year… his 82gm scoring pace was 14-49-63… if he hadn’t missed the time he absolutely would’ve challenged if not beaten Beniers for Calder

  12. StumptownRetro

    Everyone goes under the radar when only 5k fans can see them play in a college arena.

  13. DeputyDangle19

    Considering I’ve never heard of him, I’d say yes.

  14. Abolton12

    Absolutely. He looked great in most every game he played in. I hope Keller and Maccelli stay a duo for years

  15. daft_punked

    Very impressed with Maccelli and Johnston. Johnstons late surge was pretty damn incredible and Maccelli was just flying under the radar for me, if it wasn’t for THG.

    Still, Beniers is the man!

  16. Turneround08

    Fuck yeah he went under the radar, I’ll be honest I watch a lot of hockey and barely am hearing about him.

  17. SerDavosSeaworld27

    It’s funny because I remember watching him vs the Jets, and he stood out, and I was thinking « who is this kid? Never heard of him. » kudos to him for keeping it up, hope this flourishes into a nice and unheralded career.

  18. CryptographerTop6473

    Not for Avs fans… him and the Coyotes gave them hell during their matchups and I can’t explain why.

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