@St. Louis Blues

WTF is going on with Tarasenko?

What is going on with Vladimir Tarasenko? Just 48 hours ago, NHL insider Shayna Goldman of The Athletic shared that the unrestricted free agent was reportedly closing in on a contract with the Carolina Hurricanes. Yesterday came and went and then today, out of nowhere Elliotte Friedman shared that Tarasenko had fired his agent and is now with a new agency bringing the whole thing to a screeching stop.

Not only is Tarasenko with the Canes not a done deal, with a new agent, the whole saga starts over again.

According to Larry Brooks of The New York Post, Tarasenko “had multiple offers from clubs ranging from contenders to rebuilds in the $5.5-to-$6M per category at varying lengths. He Rejected them all—and then fired his agent.” This is a strange story so lets talk about it in todays NHL hockey video.

#hockey #nhl #nhlfreeagency #newyorkrangers #carolinahurricanes


  1. I’m a rangers fan. I have to say having Tarasenko return would be great. I loved how he played, so maybe he would take a smaller deal and smaller term, (like 1 year 4.5) because of the cap increasing next year. He might be able to go for more money next season, and get term. The only issue with getting him, means likely no return from Patrick Kane, unless the Rangers can somehow find cap space (maybe moving Barclay Goodrow). It’s a tight situation.

  2. Hurricanes fan so I’m biased, but the entire ordeal is a shitshow. Get real man, either take a deal with the Rags at 1mil to fit cap or move to a team that will go the distance. Ridiculous the amount of Twitter shit going on talking about him and Orlov’s relationship on top of him being a Prima Donna per usual

  3. if it aint from Friedman it aint true. Cant believe any other sources.

  4. NJ is basically the prime destination for guys like Tarasenko and Nylander, who are having contract issues on teams that can't afford to keep him. I have a feeling that NJ isn't done adding yet. Especially since the Rangers to also resign Lafreniére, which I honestly doubt will happen.

  5. History says when a russian acts this way,leave him alone. Hopefully Carolina will move on without him at this point.

  6. Seems like the Blues are the ones that made out the best in this ordeal regardless of who he signs with he wont be worth 5-6m a year for anything more than a year or two. He's probably want a 4-5 year deal at those numbers and teams are just not wanting to pay that to an aging FA anymore. If it's a guy who has been the face of your franchise for a while that's a different story because people like that sells tickets and merchandise, he's just gonna be another player on any other team.

  7. He’s Russian, they are notorious for winning a cup and dropping off/looking for a bag

  8. He needs to fire his friends who haven't told him that god awful Amish-like chin beard isn't a good look! Ouch, at 0:08, that thing looks horrendous!

  9. The rangers from my knowledge have 6 mil left. Kane, miller, laf, and Taresenko are still free agents. There is no way in hell all of them will get signed. The most realistic option is 3 mil each for miller and laf and Kane and tarasenko walk. We simply can’t afford them all.

  10. How would they keep either? they have 6 left and still need miller and laf locked up. Why would they even wanna stay? I thought they wanted to win?

  11. Hmmm…If he wants to stay in NY, maybe They have a deal on the table but conditional on the Rangers dumping Goodrow to free up his 3.25 million. That would get them in the ball park for sure.

  12. This guy is done. VT should've retired after winning the cup. Now he's looking like a has-been and expecting things to go his way. 🤦‍♂️

  13. Yea it's been a weird situation. Admittedly, as a ranger fan, i was sad to hear him go, especially to a team in our division. I like tarasenko's game but i never really thought we'd be able to keep him. Would be great if he wants to stay and give us 20 goals. I think he'll end up going to Ottawa though, they should be contenders next year.

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